LessThan3 Development Kit
Table of Contents
General Information
General Overview
This kit is made for developers planning to build/maintain sites running on the
LessThan3 Network. All of the sites have a common structure, but allow for
complete customization.
Benefits of the LessThan3 Platform.
- Strong caching is built into the core of the infrastructure
- Any dynamic site data, by default, can be updated real-time. Alternatively,
apps can define which data to listen for updates on
- By defining a simple data model for your package, a simple, intuitive
administration interface is provided to your user
- Develop in coffee-script and stylus
- All of this allows you to build/test/deploy/reuse/sell apps extremely
efficiently to our growing network of clients
LessThan3 Package Development/Deployment is currently in beta. Developers
must be registered before the development kit will work on a live site.
Contact bryant@lessthan3.com if you'd like more information on getting started.
lessthan3 development server
TODO: lessthan3 production server
TODO: lessthan3 package manager (lpm)
assists with create a package server
assists with creating new packages
assists with package submission to hosted environment
assists with package deployment to personal lt3 package server
Getting Started
LessThan3 Website Layout
- html
- head
- body
- application
- header (header package rendered here)
- content
- apps
- app (current app rendered here)
- pages
- page (current page rendered here)
- footer (footer package rendered here)
- app: An app is a dynamic section of code in the app
- header: A header is static code at the top of the page
- footer: A footer is static code at the bottom of the page
- theme: A theme allows for full customization over the style of a site
- library: A library is any js/css you want
author: 'Your Name'
category: 'footer'
'major.minor.patch': ‘initial commit'
contact: ‘me@domain.com'
description: 'description of this package'
id: 'namespace-name'
name: 'readable name’
tags: [
type: 'app'
version: 'major.minor.patch'
Full Verbose Schema Example
str: {type: ‘string’}
str_enum: {type: ‘string’, enum: [‘foo’, ‘bar’]}
str_long: {type: ‘string’, editor: ‘textarea’}
bool: {type: ‘boolean’}
int: {type: ‘integer’}
arr: {
type: ‘array’
legend: ‘foo’
foo: {type: ‘string’}
bar: {type: ‘string’}
obj: {
type: ‘object’
foo: {type: ‘string’}
bar: {type: ‘string’}
3 Rules to simplify your syntax
1. if typeof value is a string, then that string is the type of that property.
2. if typeof value is an object, then that object is assumed to be type == ‘object’
3. if typeof value is an array, then that object is assumed to be type == ‘array’
Let’s now look at the above example in our simplified syntax
str: ‘string’
str_enum: {type: ‘string’, enum: [‘foo’, ‘bar’]}
str_long: {type: ‘string’, editor: ‘textarea’}
bool: ‘boolean’
int: ‘integer’
arr: [
foo: {type: ‘string’, legend: true}
bar: ‘string’
obj: {
foo: {type: ‘string’}
bar: {type: ‘string’}
LessThan3 packages should be versioned as "major.minor.patch". Dependencies right
now must define an exact version, but we'll moved towards the npm model in the
future and it's good practice.
Here's a brief explaination from Nodejitsu about why to version your node
modules (or in our case, lessthan3 packages) this way.
When specifying modules dependencies: use 1.0.x syntax
Until recently, I was guilty of not following this guideline: I continued to use
the >= 0.2.0 syntax illustrated above in the naive.package.json example. At
first glance there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with that style. You're
saying "If there are changes in the future I want them."
The problem arises because authors are conveying meaning in their versions. Not
every version will be completely backwards compatible with the particular
version you were using when you wrote your application. This is conveyed in the
version string:
e.g.: 0.3.18
Major Version (0)
Minor Version (3)
Patch Version (18)
Changes to the major and minor parts of the version mean that changes have
happened, although there is no convention to convey they are breaking. Changes
to patch versions are used to express that a fix has been made and it
is (usually) safe to upgrade.
Conversely, when using the 0.2.x syntax you're saying: "If there are patch
changes in the future I want them, but no minor or major versions." Given the
description of the meaning conveyed by each of the version components above
this means you won't be tearing your hair out over breaking changes in a
module you depend on.
# get package details
# get package javascript
# get package stylesheet
# get public/static file
# make api call
module.exports =
foo: ->
# this will cache /pkg/bryant-cool-app/0.1.1/api/foo
@cache {age: '10 minutes'}, (next) =>
next 'bar'
hello: ->
@res.send 'world'
ping: ->
# this will cache /pkg/bryant-cool-app/0.1.1/api/ping?hello=world
@cache {age: '10 minutes', qs: true}, (next) =>
next 'ack'
Call Context
cache: (options, next) ->
# options.age can be '10 minutes' or 600
# options.qs can be true|false to include the query params in the cache key
# passing data to "next" will cache and return the data
query: req.query
req: req
res: res
- libraries
- headers
- apps
- footers
- themes
class exports.App extends lt3.App
load: (next) ->
template: ->
div class: 'pages'
author: 'Bryant Williams'
'0.1.1': 'test app'
contact: 'bryant@lessthan3.com'
description: 'My First App'
id: 'bryant-cool-app'
title: 'string'
kind: 'string'
name: 'string'
description: 'string'
image: 'string'
name: 'My First App'
type: 'app'
version: '0.1.1'
padding 36px 50px
class exports.Page extends lt3.Page
# events
# You can specify event handlers here
# 'event-type selector': 'event-handler'
'click .title': 'onTitleClick'
onTitleClick: (e) ->
el = $(e.currentTarget)
console.log el.text()
# to specify events outside of this page
# ex: window resize or scroll
delegateEvents: ->
$(window).bind 'resize', @onWindowResize
undelegateEvents: ->
$(window).unbind 'resize', @onWindowResize
# load
# load may be called prior to rendering if more data is needed.
# by default, you will be provided with the data as specified in
# config.cson, but sometimes you need to query an external api for
# extra data before rendering the page
# store any extra data in the @_ variable. This variable becomes the
# context the template function is applied to
load: (next) ->
@$el.html 'loading...'
$.ajax {
url: 'http://domain.com/api/get/ice-cream'
success: (data) =>
@_.extra = data
# render
# the parent method (super) will render the current data
# into your template. by override render, we can run javascript
# after the template has been rendered
render: ->
@$el.find('content').css {
color: '#000'
# template
# here you can define the html template for this page
# Page data can be accessed through @
template: ->
h2 class: 'title', ->
div class: 'image', ->
img src: @image
div class: 'content', ->
Development Server
Development on the LessThan3 Platform is ran on live sites. By running a local
server, your browser client can redirect loading code from your local server
instead of production. This allows you to run your code in an isolated sandbox
or on production data.
Updating data is pushed live automatically for headers, footers, and pages.
Apps can also choose to define their own real-time data update logic instead
of the default though.
When running the development server, you get the benefit on hot code-pushes as
well to speed up your efficiency while updating templates and stylesheets.
Because the LessThan3 package routes are just express middleware, you have the
ability to add any other custom functionality to your server that you want.
How It Works
When you login to a site on the LessThan3 platform, it will check whether you
are a developer or not. If you are a developer, it checks if you have a local
development server running. If you do, it will connect your browser client to
your development server, load code locally instead of from production, and
refresh your applications as code is updated.
Example Server
# dependencies
express = require 'express'
lessthan3 = require '../../lib/server' # require 'lessthan3'
pkg = require './package'
# configuration
app = express()
app.use express.logger()
app.use express.bodyParser()
app.use express.methodOverride()
app.use express.cookieParser()
app.use lessthan3 {
pkg_dir: "#{__dirname}/pkg"
app.use app.router
app.use express.errorHandler {dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true}
# listen
app.listen pkg.config.port
console.log "listening: #{pkg.config.port}"
LessThan3 Package Manager
Initialize Your Development Environment
Manage your development server
- lpm dev start
- lpm dev stop
Manage your packages
- lpm pkg create my-package 0.1.0
- lpm pkg deploy remote my-package 0.1.0
- lpm pkg submit my-package 0.1.0
Manage your production server
There are a couple ways to get your packages out in the wild. Packages
can be hosted on the LessThan3 servers, can be hosted on your personal
server, or can be hosted on a CDN.
Packages hosted on the LessThan3 servers must be submitted for approval
before being accepted. Personally hosted packages can be deployed at anytime
without review.
Deployment to LessThan3
Packages hosted on LessThan3 can be submitted with
lpm pkg submit my-package 0.1.0
You can check the status of your application with
lpm pkg status my-package 0.1.0
Or check the status of all of your submitted packages with
lpm pkg status
Packages submitted and approved, can be made available to anyone on the network.
Deployment to a Personal Server
Packages can be deployed to your own node server.
First, set up your production lt3 server.
lpm prod init
Then run it.
lpm prod start
Make sure it's running
lpm prod status
Define your remote (where the server lives) in your server config.cson.
Your deployment can be done with ssh, ftp
method: 'ssh'
host: 'mydomain.com'
port: '22'
path: '/u/apps/my-lt3-package-server'
method: 'ftp'
host: 'ftp.mydomain.com'
port: '21'
path: '/u/apps/my-lt3-package-server'
Deploy your package
lpm pkg deploy prod my-package 0.1.0
Deployment to a CDN
A CDN can only host files, so by deploying to a CDN, your app
will not be able to take advantage of custom API calls. This is fine
for 90% of packages because you still get real-time updates on data
entered through the admin interface, and can query public APIs.
Define your remote
method: 'rackspace-cloudfiles'
username: ''
key: ''
method: 'amazon-s3'
key: ''
secret: ''
build: true
method: 'ftp'
host: 'ftp.mydomain.com'
port: '21'
path: '/u/apps/my-lt3-package-server'
Note that you can also host your (non-api) packages on a server without node
and deploy with ftp by providing the build parameter. Build will compile
the config, javascript, and stylesheet assets for your package and upload those
directly, along with any public files. The "build" parameter is automatically
included if the method is "amazon-s3" or "rackspace-cloudfiles".
Other Topics
Coding Style Guide