Pre/Post hooks for leveldb
Intercept put/delete/batch operations on levelup.
Warning - Breaking Changes
The API for implementing pre hooks has changed.
Instead of mutating an array at once, the prehook
is called on each change hook(change, add)
and may call add(_change)
to add a new item into the batch.
Also, attaching hooks to leveldb is now simpler
var Hooks = require('level-hooks')
var levelup = require('levelup')
var timestamp = require('monotonic-timestamp')
var hooks = require('level-hooks')
levelup(file, {createIfMissing: true}, function (err, db) {
db.hooks.pre({start: '', end: '~'}, function (change, add) {
add({type: 'put', key: '~log-'+timestamp()+'-'+e.type, value: e.key})
}) (ch) {
Used by map-reduce
to make map-reduce durable across crashes!
rm = db.hooks.pre (range?, hook(change, add(change, prefix?)))
If prefix
is a string
or object
that defines the range the pre-hook triggers on.
If prefix' is a string, then the hook only triggers on keys that _start_ with that string. If the hook is an object it must be of form
{start: START, end: END}`
is a function, and will be called on each item in the batch
(if it was a put
or del
, it will be called on the change)
is always of the form {key: key, value: value, type:'put' | 'del'}
Pass additional changes to add
to add them to the batch.
If add is passed a string as the second argument it will prepend that prefix
to any keys you add.
To veto (remove) the current change call add(false)
returns a function that will remove the hook when called.
rm = (range?, hook)
Post hooks do not offer any chance to change the value.
but do take a range option, just like pre
returns a function that will remove the hook when called.