This is a small module for making library and config loading 100x easier but mostly just less verbose.
Cache your libs
This is an example library structure
|_ index.js
|_ libRunning.js
|_ systemLib/
|_ settings.json
|_ awesome_system_module/
|_ index.js
Place this statment where ever you want to first cache your library. You can only call this once per library otherwise you will recieve an error.
libDir: './systemLib',
libKey: 'system',
Use your libraries
You can access your cached libraries by using this statment. Notice I use the .system
attribute. This is determined by the value we place in libKey
All files and folders are required
and cached under require('lib-loader')
for easy access.
var system = require('lib-loader').system;
Load many libraries
If you are like me you may have several libraries to load.
{ libDir: 'systemLib', libKey: 'system' },
{ libDir: 'webLib', libKey: 'web' },
{ libDir: 'systemLib2', libKey: 'system2' }
Exluding files
Exclude files using globs checkout minimatch for what is possible.
libDir: './lib',
libKey: 'lib',
exclude: [
Checkout the tests
directory for a real example.