bd0.c | done | no | hidden, used by modules dbinom.c ,dpois.c dt.c |
bessel_i.c | done | no | R "besseli" Modified Bessel function of first kind. |
bessel_j.c | done | no | R "besselj" gives the Bessel function of the first kind. |
bessel_k.c | done | no | R "besselK" function |
bessel_y.c | done | no | R "bessely" gives the Bessel function of the second kind . |
beta.c | done | no | beta |
chebyshev.c | done ./lib/chebyshev.ts | no | chebyshev_init , chebyshev_eval |
choose.c | done | no | R "choose" function, C(n,k) binomial coefficients |
cospi.c | done ./lib/cospi.ts | no | cospi, sinpi, tanpi |
d1mach.c | done | no | included in ./_general.ts |
dbeta.c | done | no | distribution function of beta |
dbinom.c | done | no | probability mass function of binomial distribution |
dcauchy.c | done | no | The density of the Cauchy distribution. |
dchisq.c | done | no | The density of the chi-squared distribution. |
dexp.c | done | no | The density of the exponential distribution. |
df.c | done | no | The density function of the F distribution. |
dgamma.c | done | no | Computes the density of the gamma distribution, |
dgeom.c | done | no | Computes the geometric probabilities, Pr(X=x) = p(1-p)^x |
dhyper.c | done | no | The hypergeometric probability |
dlnorm.c | done | no | The density of the lognormal distribution. |
dlogis.c | done | no | The density of the Logistic Distribution |
dnbeta.c | done | no | Computes the density of the noncentral beta distribution with |
dnbinom.c | done | no | negative binomial probability prob mass function |
dnchisq.c | done | no | The density of the noncentral chi-squared distribution with "df" |
dnf.c | done | no | The density function of the non-central F distribution |
dnorm.c | done | no | Compute the density of the normal distribution. |
dnt.c | done | no | the non-central t density |
dpois.c | done | no | dpois() computes the Poisson probability lb^x exp(-lb) / x! |
dt.c | done | no | The t density |
dunif.c | done | no | R "dunif" function |
dweibull.c | done | no | The density function of the Weibull distribution. |
expm1.c | done | no | Compute the Exponential minus 1 |
fmax2.c | done | no | this function is moved to module ./lib/_general.ts |
fmin2.c | done | no | this function is moved to module ./lib/_general.ts |
fprec.c | done | no | Returns the value of x rounded to "digits" significant |
fround.c | done | no | fround function |
fsign.c | done | no | This function performs transfer of sign. |
ftrunc.c | done | no | floating point truncation |
gamma.c | done ./lib/gamma_fn.ts | no | gammafn |
gamma_cody.c | done | no | GAMMA function using algo of W. J. Cody, |
gammalims.c | done | no | calculates legal bounds of gamma_fn |
i1mach.c | done | no | transferred to _general.ts |
imax2.c | done | no | transferred to _general.ts |
imin2.c | done | no | transferred to _general.ts |
lbeta.c | done | no | This function returns the value of the log beta function. |
lgamma.c | done ./lib/lgamma_fn.ts | no | logarithmic gamma lgammafn |
lgammacor.c | done ./lib/lgammecor.ts | no | lgammacor |
log1p.c | done | no | calculate log(1+x) with high accuracy for small x |
mlutils.c | done | no | moved to _general.ts |
pbeta.c | done | no | pBeta distribution function |
pbinom.c | done | no | The distribution function of the binomial distribution. |
pcauchy.c | done | no | The distribution function of the Cauchy distribution. |
pchisq.c | done | no | The distribution function of the chi-squared distribution. |
pexp.c | done | no | The distribution function of the exponential distribution. |
pf.c | done | no | The distribution function of the F distribution. |
pgamma.c | done | no | This function computes the distribution function for the gamma distribution |
pgeom.c | done | no | The distribution function of the geometric distribution. |
phyper.c | done | no | The distribution function of the geometric distribution. |
plnorm.c | done | no | The lognormal distribution function. |
plogis.c | done | no | Compute log(1 + exp(x)) without overflow (and fast for x > 18) |
pnbeta.c | done | no | pbeta - incomplete-beta function {nowadays: pbeta_raw() -> bratio()} |
pnbinom.c | done | no | The distribution function of the negative binomial distribution. |
pnchisq.c | done | no | Algorithm AS275: Computing the non-central chi-squared distribution function. |
pnf.c | done | no | The distribution function of the non-central F distribution. |
pnorm.c | done | no | normal distribution function |
pnt.c | done | no | Cumulative probability at t of the non-central t-distribution, with df degrees of freedom (may be fractional) and non-centrality, parameter delta. |
polygamma.c | done | no | Compute the derivatives of the psi function and polygamma functions. |
ppois.c | done | no | The distribution function of the Poisson distribution. |
pt.c | done | no | t distrib. with n degrees of freedom). |
ptukey.c | done | no | Computes the probability that the maximum of rr studentized ranges, each based on cc means and with df degrees of freedom for the standard error, is less than q. |
punif.c | done | no | The distribution function of the uniform distribution. |
pweibull.c | done | no | The distribution function of the Weibull distribution. |
qbeta.c | done | no | The quantile function of the beta distribution. |
qbinom.c | done | no | The quantile function of the binomial distribution. |
qcauchy.c | done | no | The quantile function of the Cauchy distribution. |
qchisq.c | done | no | The quantile function of the chi-squared distribution. |
qexp.c | done | no | The quantile function of the exponential distribution. |
qf.c | done | no | The quantile function of the F distribution. |
qgamma.c | done | no | Compute the quantile function of the gamma distribution. |
qgeom.c | done | no | The quantile function of the geometric distribution. |
qhyper.c | done | no | The quantile function of the hypergeometric distribution. |
qlnorm.c | done | no | This the lognormal quantile function. |
qlogis.c | done | no | The Logistic Distribution quantile function. |
qnbeta.c | done | no | the quantile function of the noncentral beta distribution |
qnbinom.c | done | no | The quantile function of the negative binomial distribution. |
qnchisq.c | done | no | the quantile function of the noncentral chi-squared distribution |
qnf.c | done | no | The quantile function of the non-central F distribution. |
qnorm.c | done | no | Compute the quantile function for the normal distribution. |
qnt.c | TODO | | |
qpois.c | TODO | | |
qt.c | TODO | | |
qtukey.c | TODO | | |
qunif.c | TODO | | |
qweibull.c | TODO | | |
rbeta.c | TODO | | |
rbinom.c | TODO | | |
rcauchy.c | TODO | | |
rchisq.c | TODO | | |
rexp.c | TODO | | |
rf.c | TODO | | |
rgamma.c | TODO | | |
rgeom.c | TODO | | |
rhyper.c | TODO | | |
rlnorm.c | TODO | | |
rlogis.c | TODO | | |
rmultinom.c | TODO | | |
rnbinom.c | TODO | | |
rnchisq.c | TODO | | |
rnorm.c | TODO | | |
rpois.c | TODO | | |
rt.c | TODO | | |
runif.c | done | no | implemented 3 RNG and native browser/node agnostic 64 RNG map to floating number |
rweibull.c | TODO | | |
sexp.c | done | no | (Random variates from the standard exponential distribution) exp_rand (internally used) function |
sign.c | TODO | | |
signrank.c | TODO | | |
snorm.c | TODO | | |
stirlerr.c | done ./lib/stirlerr | no | Computes the log of the error term in Stirling's formula ( stirlerr ) |
toms708.c | NAP | no | ported instead Java Version from James Curran ( (Java version) |
wilcox.c | TODO | | |