Lightning Flow Scanner(Rule Set)
This core rule set is used in both the VS Code Extension and the SFDX Plugin of the same name.
Outdated API Version
Introducing newer API components may lead to unexpected issues with older versions of Flows, as they might not align with the underlying mechanics. Starting from API version 50.0, the 'Api Version' attribute has been readily available on the Flow Object. To ensure smooth operation and reduce discrepancies between API versions, it is strongly advised to regularly update and maintain them.
Default Value: >49.0
Configuration example:
severity: 'error',
expression: '===58'
Configuration ID: APIVersion
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Copy API Name
Maintaining multiple elements with a similar name, like 'Copy_X_Of_Element,' can diminish the overall readability of your Flow. When copying and pasting these elements, it's crucial to remember to update the API name of the newly created copy.
Configuration ID: CopyAPIName
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DML Statement In A Loop
To prevent exceeding Apex governor limits, it is advisable to consolidate all your record-related operations, including creation, updates, or deletions, at the conclusion of the flow.
Configuration ID: DMLStatementInLoop
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Duplicate DML Operation
When the flow executes database changes or actions between two screens, it's important to prevent users from navigating back between screens. Failure to do so may result in duplicate database operations being performed within the flow.
Configuration ID: DuplicateDMLOperation
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Missing Flow Description
Descriptions play a vital role in documentation. We highly recommend including details about where they are used and their intended purpose.
Configuration ID: FlowDescription
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Flow Naming Convention
The readability of a flow is of utmost importance. Establishing a naming convention for the Flow Name significantly enhances findability, searchability, and maintains overall consistency. It is advisable to include at least a domain and a brief description of the actions carried out in the flow, for instance, 'Service_OrderFulfillment'.
Default Value: [A-Za-z0-9]+_[A-Za-z0-9]+
Configuration example:
severity: 'error',
expression: '[A-Za-z0-9]'
Configuration ID: FlowName
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Hardcoded Id
Avoid hard-coding IDs as they are org-specific. Instead, pass them into variables at the start of the flow. You can achieve this by utilizing merge fields in URL parameters or employing a Get Records element.
Configuration ID: HardcodedId
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Missing Fault Path
At times, a flow may fail to execute a configured operation as intended. By default, the flow displays an error message to the user and notifies the admin who created the flow via email. However, you can customize this behavior by incorporating a Fault Path.
Configuration ID: MissingFaultPath
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Missing Null Handler
When a Get Records operation doesn't find any data, it returns null. To ensure data validation, utilize a decision element on the operation result variable to check for a non-null result.
Configuration ID: MissingNullHandler
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Unconnected Element
To maintain the efficiency and manageability of your Flow, it's best to avoid including unconnected elements that are not in use.
Configuration ID: UnconnectedElement
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Unused Variable
To maintain the efficiency and manageability of your Flow, it's advisable to avoid including unconnected variables that are not in use.
Configuration ID: UnusedVariable
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