A volatile, in memory storage driver for localForage.
The stored data are lost after a page reload.
Originally designed for unit-testing (especially SPAs) and as a fallback for environmets without any storage APIs.
This driver serializes the stored items, so that
- it works consistently compared to the "native" localForage driver
- modifications of retrieved (complex) objects do not affect the stored items.
npm i localforage-memoryStorageDriver
localforage.defineDriver(memoryStorageDriver).then(function() {
return localforage.setDriver(memoryStorageDriver._driver);
}).then(function() {
console.log('Active driver: ' + localforage.driver());
return localforage.setItem('test1', 'value1');
}).then(function() {
console.log('setItem(\'test1\', \'value1\')');
return localforage.getItem('test1');
}).then(function(value) {
console.log('getItem(\'test1\') => ' + value);
return localforage.clear();