Test your local HTML include with any page on the Internet
Localinclude is a commmand line tool written in NodeJS, so you need to install it globally from npm.
npm install -g localinclude
You can run localinclude from your project directory, here's a quick demo:
echo '<h1>LOCALINCLUDE is awesome!!!</h1>' > example.inc
localinclude --url https://www.google.com --dompos '#lga' --include example.inc
Once this is running visit the URL the terminal output reports and you'll see the Google homepage with the "LOCALINCLUDE is awesome!!!" written into it.
Parameters explained
To use localinclude you need to provide 3 parameters:
The target page on the website you want to use. This needs to be available from where you are (so you can use localinclude with intranets).--dompos
A CSS selector string that tells localinclude where in the page to put your include.--include
A path to the file you want to include into the target page.