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lwm2m-id is a module that implements a dictionary of ip-based smart object(IPSO) identifiers defined by lwm2m spec.

  • 1.2.6
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

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## Table of Contents
  1. Overiew
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. APIs
  5. Table of Identifiers

1. Overview

lwm2m-id is a dictionary of identifiers defined by OMA LightweightM2M(v1.0), IPSO SmartObject Guideline(Smart Objects Starter Pack1.0 and Smart Objects Expansion Pack). Please visit their websites for more information.

2. Installation

$ npm install lwm2m-id --save

3. Usage

lwm2m-id provides you with two getters, i.e. getOid() and getRid(), to get the key-value pair of an Object and a Resource identifier. The getter returns an item which has properties of 'key' and 'value', or returns undefined if not found. In the returned item, item.key is the idetifier in string and item.value is the identifier in number.

Let me show you some examples.

var m2mid = require('lwm2m-id')

// get Object Id
var oidItem1 = m2mid.getOid('device');      // { key: 'device', value: 3 }
var oidItem2 = m2mid.getOid(3);             // { key: 'device', value: 3 }
var oidItem3 = m2mid.getOid('3');           // { key: 'device', value: 3 }
var oidItem4 = m2mid.getOid(999);           // undefined
var oidItem5 = m2mid.getOid('noSuchId');    // undefined

var oidKey = m2mid.getOid(3).key;           // 'device'
var oidId = m2mid.getOid('device').value;   // 3

// get Resource Id
//   (1) The rid is specific to an Object
var ridItem1 = m2mid.getRid('lightCtrl', 'onOff');    // { key: 'onOff', value: 5850 }
var ridItem2 = m2mid.getRid(3311, 'onOff');           // { key: 'onOff', value: 5850 }
var ridItem3 = m2mid.getRid(3311, 5850);              // { key: 'onOff', value: 5850 }
var ridItem4 = m2mid.getRid('3311', '5850');          // { key: 'onOff', value: 5850 }
var ridItem5 = m2mid.getOid('lightCtrl', 'noSuchId'); // undefined
var ridItem6 = m2mid.getOid('noSuchId', 5850);        // undefined

var ridKey = m2mid.getRid('lightCtrl', 5850).key;     // 'onOff'
var ridId = m2mid.getRid(3311, 'onOff').value;        // 5850

//   (2) The rid is an unique id
var ridItem7 = m2mid.getRid('sensorValue');           // { key: 'sensorValue', value: 5700 }
var ridItem8 = m2mid.getRid(5700);                    // { key: 'sensorValue', value: 5700 }
var ridItem8 = m2mid.getRid('5700');                  // { key: 'sensorValue', value: 5700 }

var ridKey = m2mid.getRid(5700).key;                  // 'sensorValue'
var ridId = m2mid.getRid('sensorValue').value;        // 5700

4. APIs


Returns an item of the Object identifier.


  • oid (String|Number): oid can be given with a string or a number. Notice that a numbered string will be recognized as a number, e.g. '128' is equal to 128.


  • (Object | Undefined) Returns an item of { key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }, otherwise returns undefined if not found.


lwm2mid.getOid('temperature');  // { key: 'temperature', value: 3303 }
lwm2mid.getOid(3303);           // { key: 'temperature', value: 3303 }
lwm2mid.getOid('3303');         // { key: 'temperature', value: 3303 }

lwm2mid.getOid('xxxx');         // undefined 
lwm2mid.getOid('9999');         // undefined 
lwm2mid.getOid(9999);           // undefined 

.getRid([oid,] rid)

Returns an item of the Resource identifier.

There are two kinds of Resource id, the Resource id specific to an Object and the unique Resource id. In the former case, the meaning of a Resource is specific to an Object that holds it. An unique Resource id indicates that the Resouce id is a reusable one and its id number is always constant and unique across Objects. In addition, an Object can use both of these two kinds of Resource id to define its characteristic.

To query a Resource id specific to an Object, both oid and rid should be given.
To query an unique Resource id, only the single argument rid is needed.


  • oid (String|Number, optional): oid can be given with a string or a number. Notice that a numbered string will be recognized as a number, e.g. '128' is equal to 128.
  • rid (String|Number): rid can be given with a string or a number. Notice that a numbered string will be recognized as a number, e.g. '128' is equal to 128.


  • (Object | Undefined) Returns an item of { key: 'sampleId', value: 1234 }, otherwise returns undefined if not found.


// get a Resource id specific to an Object
lwm2mid.getRid('location', 'lon');             // { key: 'lon', value: 1 }
lwm2mid.getRid(6, 1);                          // { key: 'lon', value: 1 }
lwm2mid.getRid('temperature', 'sensorValue');  // { key: 'sensorValue', value: 5700 }
lwm2mid.getRid(3303, 5700);                    // { key: 'sensorValue', value: 5700 }
lwm2mid.getRid('temperature', '5700');         // { key: 'sensorValue', value: 5700 }

// get an unqiue Resource id
lwm2mid.getRid('appType');                     // { key: 'appType', value: 5750 }
lwm2mid.getRid(5750);                          // { key: 'appType', value: 5700 }
lwm2mid.getRid('5750');                        // { key: 'appType', value: 5750 }

.getRdef(oid, rid)

Returns the definitions of a Resource specific to an Object.


  • oid (String|Number, optional): oid can be given with a string or a number. Notice that a numbered string will be recognized as a number, e.g. '128' is equal to 128.
  • rid (String|Number): rid can be given with a string or a number. Notice that a numbered string will be recognized as a number, e.g. '128' is equal to 128.


  • (Object | Undefined) Returns the definition with an data object, otherwise returns undefined if not found. The definition object is of the form: { access: null, multi: false, mand: true, type: "boolean", range: null, init: false }
PropertyDescriptionPossilbe Settings
accessAccess control'R', 'W', 'RW', 'E', null (cannot access)
multiAllow multiple instancestrue, false
mandMandatorytrue, false
type*Resource value data type'boolean', integer', 'float', string', 'time', execute', 'opaque'
rangeLimit of Resource valueA number, null if no limit.

* Please refer to Appendix C. Data Types in OMA LightweightM2M(v1.0) specification for details.


lwm2mid.getRdef('temperature', 'sensorValue');  
// returns { "access": "R", "multi": false, "mand": true, "type": "float", "range": null }
lwm2mid.getRdef('lightCtrl', 5850);  
// returns { "access": "RW", "multi": false, "mand": true, "type": "boolean", "range": null }

lwm2mid.getRdef('temperature');     // undefined. rid should be given
lwm2mid.getRdef('xxxx', 1234);      // undefined 

5. Table of Identifiers

  • IPSO/OMA-LWM2M Object ids
Object Idlwm2m-id KeyDescription/Object Name
0lwm2mSecurityLWM2M Security
1lwm2mServerLWM2M Server
2accessCtrlAccess Control
4connMonitorConnectivity Monitoring
7connStatisticsConnectivity Statistics
8lockAndWipeLock and Wipe
9swUpdateSofware Update
10cellularConnCellular connectivity
11apnConnProfileAPN connection profile
12wlanConnWLAN connectivity
13bearerSelectionBearer selection
3200dInDigital Input
3201dOutDigital Output
3202aInAnalogue Input
3203aOutAnalogue Output
3300genericGeneric Sensor
3301illuminanceIlluminance Sensor
3302presencePresence Sensor
3303temperatureTemperature Sensor
3304humidityHumidity Sensor
3305pwrMeaPower Measurement
3308setPointSet Point
3310loadCtrlLoad Control
3311lightCtrlLight Control
3312pwrCtrlPower Control
  • IPSO/OMA-LWM2M unique Resource ids (this class of ids is reusable with Objects)
Resource Idlwm2m-id KeyDescription/Resource Name
4000objectInstanceHandleObject Instance Handle
4001objectVersionObject Version
5500dInStateDigital Input State
5501counterDigital Input Counter
5502dInPolarityDigital Input Polarity
5503debouncePeriodDigital Input Debounce Period
5504edgeSelectionDigital Input Edge Selection
5505counterResetDigital Input Counter Reset
5550dOutStateDigital Output State
5551dOutPolarityDigital Output Polarity
5600aInCurrValueAnalog Input Current Value
5601minMeaValueMin Measured Value
5602maxMeaValueMax Measured Value
5603minRangeValueMin Range Value
5604maxRangeValueMax Range Value
5605resetMinMaxMeaValuesReset Min and Max Measured Values
5650aOutCurrValueAnalog Output Current Value
5700sensorValueSensor Value
5701unitsSensor Units
5702xValueX Value
5703yValueY Value
5704zValueZ Value
5705compassDirCompass Direction
5750appTypeApplication Type
5751sensorTypeSensor Type
5800instActivePwrInstantaneous active power
5801minMeaActivePwrMin Measured active power
5802maxMeaActivePwrMax Measured active power
5803minRangeActivePwrMin Range active power
5804maxRangeActivePwrMax Range active power
5805cumulActivePwrCumulative active power
5806activePwrCalActive Power Calibration
5810instReactivePwrInstantaneous reactive power
5811minMeaReactivePwrMin Measured reactive power
5812maxMeaReactivePwrMax Measured reactive power
5813minRangeReactivePwrMin Range reactive power
5814maxRangeReactivePwrMax Range reactive power
5815cumulReactivePwrCumulative reactive power
5816reactivePwrCalReactive Power Calibration
5820pwrFactorPower factor
5821currCalCurrent Calibration
5822resetCumulEnergyReset Cumulative energy
5823eventIdEvent Identifier
5824startTimeStart Time
5825durationInMinDuration In Min
5826criticalLevelCritical Level
5827avgLoadAdjPctAvg Load AdjPct
5828dutyCycleDuty Cycle
5852onTimeOn time
5853mStateOutMuti-state Output
5900setPointValueSet Point Value
5903busyToClearDelayBusy to Clear delay
5904clearToBusyDelayClear to Busy delay
5905hostDeviceManufHost Device Manufacturer
5906hostDeviceMdlHost Device Model Number
5907hostDeviceUIDHost Device Unique ID
5908hostDeviceSwVerHost Device Software Version
  • IPSO/OMA-LWM2M specified Resource ids (this class of ids is specified with Objects)

    • oid = lwm2mSecurity
            "lwm2mServerURI": 0,
            "bootstrapServer": 1,
            "securityMode": 2,
            "pubKeyId": 3,
            "serverPubKeyId": 4,
            "secretKey": 5,
            "smsSecurityMode": 6,
            "smsBindingKeyParam": 7,
            "smsBindingSecretKey": 8,
            "lwm2mServerSmsNum": 9,
            "shortServerId": 10,
            "clientHoldOffTime": 11
    • oid = lwm2mServer
            "shortServerId": 0,
            "lifetime": 1,
            "defaultMinPeriod": 2,
            "defaultMaxPeriod": 3,
            "disable": 4,
            "disableTimeout": 5,
            "notificationStoring": 6,
            "binding": 7,
            "regUpdateTrigger": 8
    • oid = accessControl
            "objectId": 0,
            "objectInstanceId": 1,
            "ACL": 2,
            "ACLOwner": 3
    • oid = device
            "manuf": 0,
            "model": 1,
            "serial": 2,
            "firmware": 3,
            "reboot": 4,
            "factoryReset": 5,
            "availPwrSrc": 6,
            "pwrSrcVoltage": 7,
            "pwrSrcCurrent": 8,
            "battLevel": 9,
            "memFree": 10,
            "errCode": 11,
            "resetErrCode": 12,
            "currTime": 13,
            "UTCOffset": 14,
            "timezone": 15,
            "bindAndModes": 16,
            "devType": 17,
            "hwVer": 18,
            "swVer": 19,
            "battStatus": 20,
            "memTotal": 21
    • oid = connMonitor
            "nwkBearer": 0,
            "availNwkBearer": 1,
            "radioStrength": 2,
            "linkQuality": 3,
            "ip": 4,
            "routeIp": 5,
            "linkUtil": 6,
            "APN": 7,
            "cellId": 8,
            "SMNC": 9,
            "SMCC": 10
    • oid = firmware
            "package": 0,
            "packageURI": 1,
            "update": 2,
            "state": 3,
            "updateSuppObjects": 4,
            "updateResult": 5,
            "pkgName": 6,
            "pkgVer": 7
    • oid = location
            "lat": 0,
            "lon": 1,
            "alt": 2,
            "uncertainty": 3,
            "velocity": 4,
            "timestamp": 5
    • oid = connStatistics
            "SMSTxCounter": 0,
            "SMSRxCounter": 1,
            "txData": 2,
            "rxData": 3,
            "maxMsgSize": 4,
            "avgMsgSize": 5,
            "startOrReset": 6
    • oid = dIn
            "dInState": 5500,
            "counter": 5501,
            "dInPolarity": 5502,
            "debouncePeriod": 5503,
            "edgeSelection": 5504,
            "counterReset": 5505,
            "appType": 5750,
            "sensorType": 5751
    • oid = dOut
            "dOutState": 5550,
            "dOutPolarity": 5551,
            "appType": 5750
    • oid = aIn
            "aInCurrValue": 5600,
            "minMeaValue": 5601,
            "maxMeaValue": 5602,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604,
            "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
            "appType": 5750,
            "sensorType": 5751
    • oid = aOut
            "aOutCurrValue": 5650,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604,
            "appType": 5750
    • oid = generic
            "sensorValue": 5700,
            "units": 5701,
            "minMeaValue": 5601,
            "maxMeaValue": 5602,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604,
            "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
            "appType": 5750,
            "sensorType": 5751
    • oid = illuminance
            "sensorValue": 5700,
            "units": 5701,
            "minMeaValue": 5601,
            "maxMeaValue": 5602,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604,
            "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605
    • oid = presence
            "dInState": 5500,
            "counter": 5501,
            "counterReset": 5505,
            "sensorType": 5751,
            "busyToClearDelay": 5903,
            "clearToBusyDelay": 5904
    • oid = temperature
            "sensorValue": 5700,
            "units": 5701,
            "minMeaValue": 5601,
            "maxMeaValue": 5602,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604,
            "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605
    • oid = humidity
            "sensorValue": 5700,
            "units": 5701,
            "minMeaValue": 5601,
            "maxMeaValue": 5602,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604,
            "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605
    • oid = pwrMea
            "instActivePwr": 5800,
            "minMeaActivePwr": 5801,
            "maxMeaActivePwr": 5802,
            "minRangeActivePwr": 5803,
            "maxRangeActivePwr": 5804,
            "cumulActivePwr": 5805,
            "activePwrCal": 5806,
            "instReactivePwr": 5810,
            "minMeaReactivePwr": 5811,
            "maxMeaReactivePwr": 5812,
            "minRangeReactivePwr": 5813,
            "maxRangeReactivePwr": 5814,
            "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605,
            "cumulReactivePwr": 5815,
            "reactivePwrCal": 5816,
            "pwrFactor": 5820,
            "currCal": 5821,
            "resetCumulEnergy": 5822
    • oid = actuation
            "onOff": 5850,
            "dimmer": 5851,
            "onTime": 5852,
            "mStateOut": 5853,
            "appType": 5750
    • oid = setPoint
            "setPointValue": 5900,
            "colour": 5706,
            "units": 5701,
            "appType": 5750
    • oid = loadCtrl
            "eventId": 5823,
            "startTime": 5824,
            "durationInMin": 5825,
            "criticalLevel": 5826,
            "avgLoadAdjPct": 5827,
            "dutyCycle": 5828
    • oid = lightCtrl
            "onOff": 5850,
            "dimmer": 5851,
            "colour": 5706,
            "units": 5701,
            "onTime": 5852,
            "cumulActivePwr": 5805,
            "pwrFactor": 5820
    • oid = pwrCtrl
            "onOff": 5850,
            "dimmer": 5851,
            "onTime": 5852,
            "cumulActivePwr": 5805,
            "pwrFactor": 5820
    • oid = accelerometer
            "units": 5701,
            "xValue": 5702,
            "yValue": 5703,
            "zValue": 5704,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604
    • oid = magnetometer
            "units": 5701,
            "xValue": 5702,
            "yValue": 5703,
            "zValue": 5704,
            "compassDir": 5705
    • oid = barometer
            "sensorValue": 5700,
            "units": 5701,
            "minMeaValue": 5601,
            "maxMeaValue": 5602,
            "minRangeValue": 5603,
            "maxRangeValue": 5604,
            "resetMinMaxMeaValues": 5605



Package last updated on 20 May 2016

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