Node.js M2X API Client
The AT&T M2X API provides all the needed operations to connect your device to AT&T's M2X service.
This client provides an easy to use interface for node.js.
m2x-nodejs is available as an npm package. Install the latest version with:
npm install m2x
Getting Started
- Signup for an M2X Account.
- Obtain your Master Key from the Master Keys tab of your Account Settings screen.
- Create your first Data Source Blueprint and copy its Feed ID.
- Review the M2X API Documentation.
Please consult the M2X glossary if you have questions about any M2X specific terms.
Example Usage
In order to be able to use this client you will need an AT&T M2X API key and a Data Source ID. If you don't have an API key, create an account and, once registered and with your account activated, create a new Data Source Blueprint, and copy the Feed ID and API Key values. The following script will send your CPU load average to three different streams named load_1m, load_5m and load_15. Check that there's no need to create a stream in order to write values into it:
#!/usr/bin/env node
// See
// for instructions
var M2X = require("../lib/m2x");
var exec = require("child_process").exec;
var FEED = "<YOUR-FEED-ID>";
// Match `uptime` load averages output for both Linux and OSX
var UPTIME_RE = new RegExp("(\\d+\\.\\d+),? (\\d+\\.\\d+),? (\\d+\\.\\d+)$", "m");
function UptimeDataSource() {
this.m2xClient = new M2X(API_KEY);
// Create the streams if they don't exist
this.loadAvg(function(load_1m, load_5m, load_15m) {
this.m2xClient.feeds.updateStream(FEED, "load_1m", { value: load_1m });
this.m2xClient.feeds.updateStream(FEED, "load_5m", { value: load_5m });
this.m2xClient.feeds.updateStream(FEED, "load_15m", { value: load_15m });
this.updateInterval = setInterval(this.update.bind(this), 1000);
UptimeDataSource.prototype.loadAvg = function(cb) {
var self = this;
exec("uptime", function(error, stdout, stderr) {
var match = stdout.match(UPTIME_RE);
if (match) {, match[1], match[2], match[3]);
UptimeDataSource.prototype.update = function() {
this.loadAvg(function(load_1m, load_5m, load_15m) {
// Write the different values into AT&T M2X
var values = {
load_1m: [ { value: load_1m } ],
load_5m: [ { value: load_5m } ],
load_15m: [ { value: load_15m } ]
this.m2xClient.feeds.postMultiple(FEED, values, function(data, error, res) {
if (res.statusCode !== 204) {
// abort if something went wrong
var instance = new UptimeDataSource();
You can find the script in examples/m2x-uptime.js
This gem is delivered under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the terms.
This client is a direct port of Leandro Lopez' AT&T M2X client for Ruby so all the credit should go to him.