Adds template support to Malifi for the consolidate.js template engine consolidation library.
Using this, any template library supported by Consolidate.js should be usable with Malifi.
In the metadata template_map_
object for the target MIME type, map file extension(s) to malifi-consolidate([engine_name])
For example, to establish template mapping for an entire site, in the site's root directory
malifi_consolidate= require 'malifi-consolidate'
'text/html': [
['html', malifi_consolidate('underscore')]
['jade', malifi_consolidate('jade')]
In the preceding example, if an HTML document were requested, templates with an html
extension will be mapped to the Underscore template engine. Templates with a jade
extension would be mapped to the Jade template engine.
Alternatively, the same could be expressed in _default.meta.js
(function() {
var malifi_consolidate;
malifi_consolidate = require('../../../index');
module.exports = {
template_map_: {
'text/html': [
['html', malifi_consolidate('underscore')],
['jade', malifi_consolidate('jade')]
Of course, the metadata file could define other metadata, and the mapping could be established for any directory or even for individual URLs.