mecab-ko-dic (a Korean dictionary for use with Mecab), in UTF-8 format, organised as a Cocoapod and npm package for usage with iOS/macOS.
Installing from Cocoapods
Specify this pod in your Podfile
pod 'mecab-ko-dic-utf-8'
pod update
Installing as a Cocoapod from npm
(for React Native iOS apps)
Add this npm package:
yarn add mecab-ko-dic
npm install --save mecab-ko-dic
Next, specify this pod in your Podfile
pod 'mecab-ko-dic-utf-8', :podspec => '../node_modules/mecab-ko-dic/mecab-ko-dic-utf-8.podspec'
Don't forget to install the pods.
cd ios
pod update
Feature schema
Information about the dictionary format and part-of-speech tags used by mecab-ko-dic is documented in this Google Spreadsheet, linked to from mecab-ko-dic
's repo readme.
Note how ko-dic has one less feature column than NAIST JDIC, and has an altogether different set of information (e.g. doesn't provide the "original form" of the word).
The tags are a slight modification of those specified by 세종 (Sejong), whatever that is. The mappings from Sejong to mecab-ko-dic's tag names are given in tab "태그 v2.0" on the above-linked spreadsheet.
The dictionary format is specified fully (in Korean) in tab "사전 형식 v2.0" of the spreadsheet. Any blank values default to *
index | role (Korean) | role (English) | notes |
0 | 품사 태그 | part-of-speech tag | See "태그 v2.0" tab on spreadsheet |
1 | 의미 부류 | meaning | (too few examples for me to be sure) |
2 | 종성 유무 | presence or absence | T for true; F for false; else * |
3 | 읽기 | reading | usually matches surface, but may differ for foreign words e.g. Chinese character words |
4 | 타입 | type | One of: Inflect (활용); Compound (복합명사); or Preanalysis (기분석) |
5 | 첫번째 품사 | first part-of-speech | e.g. given a part-of-speech tag of "VV+EM+VX+EP", would return VV |
6 | 마지막 품사 | last part-of-speech | e.g. given a part-of-speech tag of "VV+EM+VX+EP", would return EP |
7 | 표현 | expression | "활용, 복합명사, 기분석이 어떻게 구성되는지 알려주는 필드" – Fields that tell how usage, compound nouns, and key analysis are organized |
Example feature strings
mecab-ko-dic은 MeCab을 사용하여, 한국어 형태소 분석을 하기 위한 프로젝트입니다.
mecab SL,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
- SY,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
ko SL,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
- SY,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
dic SL,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
은 JX,*,T,은,*,*,*,*
MeCab SL,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
을 JKO,*,T,을,*,*,*,*
사용 NNG,행위,T,사용,*,*,*,*
하 XSV,*,F,하,*,*,*,*
여 EC,*,F,여,*,*,*,*
, SC,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
한국어 NNG,*,F,한국어,Compound,*,*,한국/NNG/*+어/NNG/*
형태소 NNG,*,F,형태소,Compound,*,*,형태/NNG/*+소/NNG/*
분석 NNG,행위,T,분석,*,*,*,*
을 JKO,*,T,을,*,*,*,*
하 VV,*,F,하,*,*,*,*
기 ETN,*,F,기,*,*,*,*
위한 VV+ETM,*,T,위한,Inflect,VV,ETM,위하/VV/*+ᆫ/ETM/*
프로젝트 NNG,*,F,프로젝트,*,*,*,*
입니다 VCP+EF,*,F,입니다,Inflect,VCP,EF,이/VCP/*+ᄇ니다/EF/*
. SF,*,*,*,*,*,*,*
is available only under the Apache 2.0 licence: mecab-ko-dic-utf-8/bundleContents/COPYING
See also