High performance Stratum poolserver in Node.js. One instance of this software can startup and manage multiple coin
pools, each with their own daemon and stratum ports :)
I am trying to make this useable software. On my list of up-front todos:
- Multiple PoWAUX coins on each main chain
- Profit Switching
Frontend and payment enhancements will be a separate repo. (Insert repo URL when created)

The software that I forked was a wonderful beginning that never came to fruition. I hope to bring Node stratum into the
mainstream of merged mining.
- Merged Mining Support
- Daemon RPC interface
- Stratum TCP socket server
- Block template / job manager
- P2P to get block notifications as peer node
- Optimized generation transaction building
- Connecting to multiple daemons for redundancy
- Process share submissions
- Session managing for purging DDoS/flood initiated zombie workers
- Auto ban IPs that are flooding with invalid shares
- POW (proof-of-work) & POS (proof-of-stake) support
- Transaction messages support
- Vardiff (variable difficulty / share limiter)
- When started with a coin daemon that hasn't finished syncing to the network it shows the blockchain download progress and initializes once synced
Hashing algorithms supported:
- ✓ SHA256 (Bitcoin, Freicoin, Peercoin/PPCoin, Terracoin, etc..)
- ✓ Scrypt (Litecoin, Dogecoin, Feathercoin, etc..)
- ✓ Scrypt-Jane (YaCoin, CopperBars, Pennies, Tickets, etc..)
- ✓ Scrypt-N (Vertcoin [VTC])
- ✓ Quark (Quarkcoin [QRK])
- ✓ X11 (Darkcoin [DRK], Hirocoin, Limecoin)
- ✓ X13 (MaruCoin, BoostCoin)
- ✓ NIST5 (Talkcoin)
- ✓ Keccak (Maxcoin [MAX], HelixCoin, CryptoMeth, Galleon, 365coin, Slothcoin, BitcointalkCoin)
- ✓ Skein (Skeincoin [SKC])
- ✓ Groestl (Groestlcoin [GRS])
May be working (needs additional testing):
- ? Blake (Blakecoin [BLC])
- ? Fugue (Fuguecoin [FC])
- ? Qubit (Qubitcoin [Q2C], Myriadcoin [MYR])
- ? SHAvite-3 (INKcoin [INK])
Not working currently:
- Groestl - for Myriadcoin
- Keccak - for eCoin & Copperlark
- Hefty1 (Heavycoin [HVC])
- Node v0.10+
- Coin daemon for primay and auxillery coins (preferably one with a relatively updated API and not some crapcoin :p)
- Patience :)
Example Usage
Install as a node module by cloning repository
git clone https://github.com/sigwo/node-merged-pool
cd node-merged-pool
npm update
Note to self: Add actual instructions here.
Module usage
Please see the included example.js file for more information. This section will be
expanded soon.
- zone117x - Head developer of the original stratum mining pool for node.js
- vekexasia - co-developer & great tester
- LucasJones - got p2p block notify working and implemented additional hashing algos
- TheSeven - answering an absurd amount of my questions, found the block 1-16 problem, provided example code for peer node functionality
- pronooob - knowledgeable & helpful
- Slush0 - stratum protocol, documentation and original python code
- viperaus - scrypt adaptions to python code
- ahmedbodi - more algo adaptions to python code
- steveshit - ported X11 hashing algo from python to node module
- KillerByte - for beginning this creation
Below is my donation address. The original dev addresses are listed because I felt scammy if I removed them. They no longer are supporting the current development
effort. Please donate to:
- BTC: '1BRUcdAdjdQoAgUwcN7nbNDzqhL92ub3xE'
- Cryptsy Trade Key: '197f17af3751709b2c7f076a2d3393e064022e91'
Original author (zone117x):
- BTC:
- LTC:
- VTC:
- MAX:
- QRK:
- DRK:
- Cryptsy Trade Key:
Released under the GNU General Public License v2