A jstransformer engine for metalsmith-in-place and metalsmith-layouts
This engine allows you to render templates with jstransformer. Files will be
transformed based on their extension, last extension first. Transformations are applied until there
are no more applicable jstransformers left. Though its main purpose is rendering templates, any
jstransformer compatible plugin can be used.
For example, install jstransformer-handlebars to enable the
handlebars transformation:
$ npm install jstransformer-handlebars
will detect which transformers you have installed and apply them.
Use the following build configuration:
var metalsmith = require('metalsmith')
var inPlace = require('metalsmith-in-place')
if (err) throw err;
Source file src/index.html.hbs
title: The title
Results in build/index.html
<p>The title</p>
This is a simple example, but of course you can expand on this and use any jstransformers that you
want to use. See metalsmith-in-place for instructions on how to pass options to
jstransformer and see here to see which extensions match to which jstransformers.