Electrify Meteor Client

This is the client for communication with the Electron part of an electrified Meteor app,
that was created using the meteor-electrify package.
Integrating the client
At a startup script (for client and/or server) in your meteor application run the following code.
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Random } from 'meteor/random';
import { ElectrifyClient } from 'meteor-electrify-client';
export const Electrify = new ElectrifyClient(Meteor, Random);
The ElectrifyClient constructor can consume an optional options object as 3rd argument with:
Using the client
Then, in your Meteor code (client and server), you can call this method like:
import { Electrify } from './file/where/electrify/is/exported.js';
Electrify.call('hello.world', ['anderson', 'arboleya'], function(err, msg) {
You can only call methods after the connection is made between Meteor and
Electron, to make sure it's ready you can wrap your code in a startup block:
If you want to run your Meteor application electrified and as server version,
you can check if it is running inside electron.
if (Electrify.connected) {
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Sebastian Große
Electrify originally created by Copyright (c) 2015 Anderson Arboleya