
Fast & elegant PDF invoice generator for Node using PDFKit.
- It builds invoices that looks good
- Generates a PDF in less than 30ms
- Custom Styling & Text
- Covers extended charsets like Russian, Polish (native PDF fonts only supports Latin)
- Transliterate to Latin when charset is not supported (Chinese, Arabic)
- How invoices looks like ?

Why another invoice generator
This project was made for our own company Crisp. We are generating everymonth thousands of HTML invoices. Given this scale, using Puppeteer for generating HTML to PDF would be very inefficient.
As everyday, our customers were asking for PDF invoices as some accounting softwares automatically fetch invoices from emails. I could really understand their frustration. At the end, why generating PDF should be easy?
Who uses it?
Crisp |
👋 You use microinvoice and you want to be listed there? Contact me.
How to install?
Include microinvoice
in your package.json
Alternatively, you can run npm install microinvoice --save
How to use?
Import the module in your code:
var MicroInvoice = require("microinvoice");
let myInvoice = new MicroInvoice({
myInvoice.generate("example.pdf").then(() => {
console.log("Invoice saved");