This project is a simplified Minesweeper game built entirely with JavaScript. It aims to provide a minimalistic yet fully functional implementation of the classic game. The game features a grid of tiles that hide either a mine or a number, where the number represents the count of adjacent mines. Players reveal tiles with the goal of clearing all non-mine tiles.
- Dynamic grid generation based on specified dimensions and mine count.
- Recursive reveal mechanism for tiles with no adjacent mines.
- Basic UI interactions using HTML and JavaScript.
- Game over detection when a mine is revealed.
To run this game, simply clone the repository and open the index.html file in a browser. No additional setup or dependencies are required.
The game initializes with a predefined grid size and number of mines. Players can click on tiles to reveal what's underneath. The game ends when either all non-mine tiles are revealed or a mine is clicked.
Contributions to the Minesweeper project are welcome. Please feel free to fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request for review.
This project is inspired by the classic Minesweeper game, aiming to provide a simple yet challenging experience for beginners and seasoned players alike.