Displays a customizable button.
The `mj-button` won't be fully clickable because of client support.
See discussion at
Issue #359.
<mj-button font-family="Helvetica" background-color="#f45e43" color="white">
Don't click me!
`mj-button` is an "ending tag", which means it can contain HTML code which will be left as it is, so it can contain HTML tags with attributes, but it cannot contain other MJML components. More information about ending tags
in this section.
attribute | unit | description | default value |
align | string | horizontal alignment | center |
background-color | color | button background-color | #414141 |
border | string | css border format | none |
border-bottom | string | css border format | n/a |
border-left | string | css border format | n/a |
border-radius | px | border radius | 3px |
border-right | string | css border format | n/a |
border-top | string | css border format | n/a |
color | color | text color | #ffffff |
container-background-color | color | button container background color | n/a |
css-class | string | class name, added to the root HTML element created | n/a |
font-family | string | font name | Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif |
font-size | px | text size | 13px |
font-style | string | normal/italic/oblique | n/a |
font-weight | number | text thickness | normal |
height | px | button height | n/a |
href | link | link to be triggered when the button is clicked | n/a |
inner-padding | px | inner button padding | 10px 25px |
letter-spacing | px,em | letter-spacing | n/a |
line-height | px/%/none | line-height on link | 120% |
padding | px | supports up to 4 parameters | 10px 25px |
padding-bottom | px | bottom offset | n/a |
padding-left | px | left offset | n/a |
padding-right | px | right offset | n/a |
padding-top | px | top offset | n/a |
rel | string | specify the rel attribute for the button link | n/a |
target | string | specify the target attribute for the button link | _blank |
text-align | string | text-align button content | none |
text-decoration | string | underline/overline/none | none |
text-transform | string | capitalize/uppercase/lowercase | none |
title | string | tooltip & accessibility | n/a |
vertical-align | string | vertical alignment | middle |
width | px | button width | n/a |