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Push Client for iOS apps. Includes a sample app to demonstrate how to use the library.
Release process is found here
How to run the Push Sample App
The native iOS Push Messaging support in Pusheen currently only supports the Production APNS environment. Apps built with a development provisioning profile automatically point to the Staging APNS environment. Apps built with a distribution provisioning profile (Ad Hoc or App Store) point to the Production APNS environment. To test Mobify Push, the app will need to be built with a distribution provisioning profile.
Your credentials:
To be written
Mobify credentials:
Install the CI development credentials, you can find the password under CI Development Key (iOS Distribution Certificate) in LastPass
In Xcode->PushSampleApp->Build Settings->Code Signing, make sure all the entries are set to iOS Distribution and Provisioning Profile set to Automatic.
Make sure debug attachment is disabled, you can find the setting in Product->Scheme->Edit Scheme->Debug executable.
If you need to attach a debugger, you will have to switch to a development provisioning profile, and re-enable debug attachment. Warning: You will not receive push notifications in this configuration.
Known issues
- Due to the automatic registration for system events when receiving push notifications, only the latest created
will be able to receive updates. Do not create more than one PushClient
How to integrate in your app:
To be written