- configuration of requires on cup allows to define an alias that can be used later to retrieve the mock-required module from the cup
- The parent module can now be set either globally or in the grind options
- RequireMocker
- allows to set mock type globally (stub or spy)
- allows setting mock type selectively per dependency
- allows setting the mock type for all of the dependencies
- stores a dependency using its name (not path) if its an external module , such as one thats available from NPM
- Will not affect dependency properties that arent functions
- Will also mock static methods and not just the prototype's if there are any
- dontStub is renamed to dontMock in the require options. dontStub is still accepted but is deprecated
moved the restir code that belongs to the stirrer into CupStirrer.js
cloning the config object the cup receives for grind
changed any use of "path" parameter in RequireMocker