Msafe Wallet SDK
Msafe Wallet SDK is used to integrate any dapp into msafe multi-sign wallet.
The frontend of dapp will run in a sub-iframe of msafe, this SDK can be used for the interaction between dapp and msafe wallet.
Installation of the npm package:
> npm install --save msafe-wallet
Usage(Dapp Side)
Init msafe wallet
You should initialize it once and use it later.
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
Connect to a msafe account
This method is used to connect to current account. It returns an account object containing the address
and publicKey
** In the current implementation, the account is always in connected state, and disconnect is not supported. **
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
const account = await msafe.connect();
await msafe.isConnected();
Get Network
This method is used to get current network. It returns a string.
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
const network:string = await;
Get Account
This method is used to get current msafe account. It returns an account object containing the address
and publicKey
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
const account:Account = await msafe.account();
console.log("address:", account.address);
console.log("public key:", account.publicKey);
Get ChainId
This method is used to get current ChainId. It returns a number.
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
const account = await msafe.chainId();
Submit Transaction
This method is used to sign the transaction and then submit it to the blockchain.
It takes two parameters:
- mandatory parameter containing the transaction body.option
- optional parameter that overrides transaction parameters.
- For arguments of type vector, you can pass in an array.
- For
, you can pass in Uint8Array
. - You can also pass in a BCS serialized transaction as payload(
), which ignores option.
** In current implementation, this function call never returns. This is because when a transaction is initiated, the dapp page will be closed and then the msafe page will be entered to collect signatures. We will optimize it in future releases.**
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
const payload = {
function: "0x1::coin::transfer",
type_arguments: ["0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"],
arguments: ["0x997b38d2127711011462bc42e788a537eae77806404769188f20d3dc46d72750", 50]
const option = {
sender: account.address,
sequence_number: "1",
max_gas_amount: "4000",
gas_unit_price: "100",
expiration_timestamp_secs: (Math.floor( / 1000) + 30*24*3600).toString(),
await msafe.signAndSubmit(payload, option);
Sign Transaction
Not supported for now.
Sign Message
Not supported for now.
Network Change Event
This function is used to register the callback function for the network change event.
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
console.log("network change to:", network)
Account Change Event
This function is used to register the callback function for the account change event.
import { MsafeWallet } from "msafe-wallet";
const msafe = await;
console.log("address:", account.address);
console.log("public key:", account.publicKey);
Usage(Msafe Server Side)
This section is for implementation on the msafe server side and is intended for use only by the msafe developers themselves.
Accept dapp connection
import { Connector,MsafeServer } from "msafe-wallet";
const cleaner = Connector.accepts(dappUrl, (connector:Connector) => {
Create Msafe Wallet Service
import { Connector,MsafeServer,WalletAPI } from "msafe-wallet";
const connector:Connector = await Connector.accept(dappUrl);
const server = new MsafeServer(connector, {
async connect(): Promise<Account> {
return {address:'0x1', publicKey:'0x1234...'};
async signMessage(
message: string | Uint8Array
): Promise<Uint8Array> {
throw Error("unsupport");
} as WalletAPI);
Emit Network Change Event
import { Connector,MsafeServer,WalletAPI } from "msafe-wallet";
const server = new MsafeServer(...);
await server.changeNetwork('Testnet');
Emit Account Change Event
import { Connector,MsafeServer,WalletAPI } from "msafe-wallet";
const server = new MsafeServer(...);
await server.changeAccount({address:'0x1234...', publicKey:'0xabce...'});
# Install dependencies
> npm install
# Build
> npm run build
# Test
> npm run test
# Publish
> npm publish