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Advanced tools
One command to generate REST APIs for any MySql database, support multi databases
Generating REST APIs for a MySql database which does not follow conventions of frameworks such as rails, django, laravel etc is a small adventure that one like to avoid ..
Hence this.
xmysql requires node >= 7.6.0
npm install -g xmysql
xmysql -h localhost -u mysqlUsername -p mysqlPassword -d databaseName
That is it! Simple and minimalistic!
Happy hackery!
Powered by popular node packages : (express, mysql) => { xmysql }
Use HTTP clients like Postman or similar tools to invoke REST API calls
Download node, mysql (setup mysql), sample database - if you haven't on your system.
HTTP Type | API URL | Comments |
GET | / | Gets all REST APIs |
GET | /api/tableName | Lists rows of table |
POST | /api/tableName | Create a new row |
PUT | /api/tableName | Replaces existing row with new row |
POST :fire: | /api/tableName/bulk | Create multiple rows - send object array in request body |
GET :fire: | /api/tableName/bulk | Lists multiple rows - /api/tableName/bulk?_ids=1,2,3 |
DELETE :fire: | /api/tableName/bulk | Deletes multiple rows - /api/tableName/bulk?_ids=1,2,3 |
GET | /api/tableName/:id | Retrieves a row by primary key |
PATCH | /api/tableName/:id | Updates row element by primary key |
DELETE | /api/tableName/:id | Delete a row by primary key |
GET | /api/tableName/findOne | Works as list but gets single record matching criteria |
GET | /api/tableName/count | Count number of rows in a table |
GET | /api/tableName/distinct | Distinct row(s) in table - /api/tableName/distinct?_fields=col1 |
GET | /api/tableName/:id/exists | True or false whether a row exists or not |
GET | /api/parentTable/:id/childTable | Get list of child table rows with parent table foreign key |
GET :fire: | /api/tableName/aggregate | Aggregate results of numeric column(s) |
GET :fire: | /api/tableName/groupby | Group by results of column(s) |
GET :fire: | /api/tableName/ugroupby | Multiple group by results using one call |
GET :fire: | /api/tableName/chart | Numeric column distribution based on (min,max,step) or(step array) or (automagic) |
GET :fire: | /api/tableName/autochart | Same as Chart but identifies which are numeric column automatically - gift for lazy while prototyping |
GET :fire: | /api/xjoin | handles join |
GET :fire: | /dynamic | execute dynamic mysql statements with params |
GET :fire: | /upload | upload single file |
GET :fire: | /uploads | upload multiple files |
GET :fire: | /download | download a file |
GET | /api/tableName/describe | describe each table for its columns |
GET | /api/tables | get all tables in database |
GET | /_health | gets health of process and mysql -- details query params for more details |
GET | /_version | gets version of Xmysql, mysql, node |
xmysql identifies foreign key relations automatically and provides GET api.
eg: blogs is parent table and comments is child table. API invocation will result in all comments for blog primary key 103. :arrow_heading_up:
___ : If there are multiple primary keys - separate them by three underscores as shown
_p indicates page and _size indicates size of response rows
By default 20 records and max of 100 are returned per GET request on a table.
When _size is greater than 100 - number of records defaults to 100 (i.e maximum)
When _size is less than or equal to 0 - number of records defaults to 20 (i.e minimum)
eg: sorts ascending by column1
eg: sorts descending by column1
eg: sorts ascending by column1 and descending by column2
eg: gets only customerNumber and checkNumber in response of each record
eg: gets all fields in table row but not checkNumber
eq - '=' - (colName,eq,colValue)
ne - '!=' - (colName,ne,colValue)
gt - '>' - (colName,gt,colValue)
gte - '>=' - (colName,gte,colValue)
lt - '<' - (colName,lt,colValue)
lte - '<=' - (colName,lte,colValue)
is - 'is' - (colName,is,true/false/null)
in - 'in' - (colName,in,val1,val2,val3,val4)
bw - 'between' - (colName,bw,val1,val2)
like - 'like' - (colName,like,~name) note: use ~ in place of %
nlike - 'not like' - (colName,nlike,~name) note: use ~ in place of %
~or - 'or'
~and - 'and'
~xor - 'xor'
eg: simple logical expression
eg: complex logical expression
eg: logical expression with sorting(_sort), pagination(_p), column filtering (_fields)
eg: filter of rows using _where is available for relational route URLs too.
Works similar to list but only returns top/one result. Used in conjunction with _where :arrow_heading_up:
Returns number of rows in table :arrow_heading_up:
Returns true or false depending on whether record exists :arrow_heading_up:
eg: SELECT country,count(*) FROM offices GROUP BY country
eg: SELECT country,count(1) as _count FROM offices GROUP BY country having _count > 1
eg: SELECT country,count(*) FROM offices GROUP BY country
eg: SELECT country,city,count(*) FROM offices GROUP BY country,city
eg: SELECT country,city,count(*) as _count FROM offices GROUP BY country,city having _count > 1
eg: SELECT country,city,count(*) FROM offices GROUP BY country,city ORDER BY city ASC
eg: SELECT country,city,count(*) FROM offices GROUP BY country,city ORDER BY city ASC, country ASC
eg: SELECT country,city,count(*) FROM offices GROUP BY country,city ORDER BY city ASC, country DESC
response body
"min_of_amount": 615.45,
"max_of_amount": 120166.58,
"avg_of_amount": 32431.645531,
"sum_of_amount": 8853839.23,
"stddev_of_amount": 20958.625377426568,
"variance_of_amount": 439263977.71130896
eg: retrieves all numeric aggregate of a column in a table
response body
"min_of_priceEach": 26.55,
"max_of_priceEach": 214.3,
"avg_of_priceEach": 90.769499,
"sum_of_priceEach": 271945.42,
"stddev_of_priceEach": 36.576811252187795,
"variance_of_priceEach": 1337.8631213781719,
"min_of_quantityOrdered": 6,
"max_of_quantityOrdered": 97,
"avg_of_quantityOrdered": 35.219,
"sum_of_quantityOrdered": 105516,
"stddev_of_quantityOrdered": 9.832243813502942,
"variance_of_quantityOrdered": 96.67301840816688
eg: retrieves numeric aggregate can be done for multiple columns too
:fire::fire:[ HOTNESS ALERT ]
Group by multiple columns in one API call using _fields query params - comes really handy
response body
"Sales Rep":17
"Sale Manager (EMEA)":1
"Sales Manager (APAC)":1
"Sales Manager (NA)":1
"VP Marketing":1
"VP Sales":1
:fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire: [ HOTNESS ALERT ]
Chart API returns distribution of a numeric column in a table
It comes in SEVEN powerful flavours
This API returns the number of rows where amount is between (0,25000), (25001,50000) ...
"amount": "0 to 25000",
"_count": 107
"amount": "25001 to 50000",
"_count": 124
"amount": "50001 to 75000",
"_count": 30
"amount": "75001 to 100000",
"_count": 7
"amount": "100001 to 125000",
"_count": 5
"amount": "125001 to 150000",
"_count": 0
This API returns distribution between the step array specified
"amount": "0 to 10000",
"_count": 42
"amount": "10001 to 20000",
"_count": 36
"amount": "20001 to 70000",
"_count": 183
"amount": "70001 to 140000",
"_count": 12
This API returns distribution between each step pair
{"amount":"0 to 50000","_count":231},
{"amount":"40000 to 100000","_count":80}
This API figures out even distribution of a numeric column in table and returns the data
"amount": "-9860 to 11100",
"_count": 45
"amount": "11101 to 32060",
"_count": 91
"amount": "32061 to 53020",
"_count": 109
"amount": "53021 to 73980",
"_count": 16
"amount": "73981 to 94940",
"_count": 7
"amount": "94941 to 115900",
"_count": 3
"amount": "115901 to 130650",
"_count": 2
This API returns the number of rows where amount is between (0,25000), (0,50000) ... (0,maxValue)
Number of records for amount is counted from min value to extended Range instead of incremental steps
"amount": "0 to 25000",
"_count": 107
"amount": "0 to 50000",
"_count": 231
"amount": "0 to 75000",
"_count": 261
"amount": "0 to 100000",
"_count": 268
"amount": "0 to 125000",
"_count": 273
"amount": "0 to 10000",
"_count": 42
"amount": "0 to 20000",
"_count": 78
"amount": "0 to 70000",
"_count": 261
"amount": "0 to 140000",
"_count": 273
"amount": "-9860 to 11100",
"_count": 45
"amount": "-9860 to 32060",
"_count": 136
Please Note: _fields in Chart API can only take numeric column as its argument.
Identifies numeric columns in a table which are not any sort of key and applies chart API as before - feels like magic when there are multiple numeric columns in table while hacking/prototyping and you invoke this API.
"column": "amount",
"chart": [
"amount": "-9860 to 11100",
"_count": 45
"amount": "11101 to 32060",
"_count": 91
"amount": "32061 to 53020",
"_count": 109
"amount": "53021 to 73980",
"_count": 16
"amount": "73981 to 94940",
"_count": 7
"amount": "94941 to 115900",
"_count": 3
"amount": "115901 to 130650",
"_count": 2
_join : List of tableNames alternated by type of join to be made (_j, _ij,_ lj, _rj)
alias.tableName : TableName as alias
_j : Join [ _j => join, _ij => ij, _lj => left join , _rj => right join)
_onNumber : Number 'n' indicates condition to be applied for 'n'th join between (n-1) and 'n'th table in list
Sql join query:
SELECT pl.field1, pr.field2
FROM productlines as pl
JOIN products as pr
ON pl.productline = pr.productline
Equivalent xjoin query API:
Sql join query:
SELECT pl.field1, pr.field2, ord.field3
FROM productlines as pl
JOIN products as pr
ON pl.productline = pr.productline
JOIN orderdetails as ord
ON pr.productcode = ord.productcode
Equivalent xjoin query API:
pl.productlines => productlines as pl
_j => join
pr.products => products as pl
_on1 => join condition between productlines and products => (pl.productline,eq,pr.productline)
_on2 => join condition between products and orderdetails => (pr.productcode,eq,ord.productcode)
Example to use : _fields, _where, _p, _size in query params
[{"pl_productline":"Classic Cars","pr_productName":"1972 Alfa Romeo GTA"}]
Please note :
Xjoin response has aliases for fields like below aliasTableName + '_' + columnName.
eg: pl.productline in _fields query params - returns as pl_productline in response.
Dynamic queries on a database can be run by POST method to URL localhost:3000/dynamic
This is enabled ONLY when using local mysql server i.e -h localhost or -h option.
Post body takes two fields : query and params.
query: SQL query or SQL prepared query (ones with ?? and ?)
params : parameters for SQL prepared query
POST /dynamic
"query": "select * from ?? limit 1,20",
"params": ["customers"]
POST /dynamic URL can have any suffix to it - which can be helpful in prototyping
POST /dynamic/weeklyReport
POST /dynamic/user/update
POST /upload
Do POST operation on /upload url with multiform 'field' assigned to local file to be uploaded
eg: curl --form file=@/Users/me/Desktop/a.png http://localhost:3000/upload
returns uploaded file name else 'upload failed'
(Note: POSTMAN has issues with file uploading hence examples with curl)
POST /uploads
Do POST operation on /uploads url with multiform 'fields' assigned to local files to be uploaded
Notice 's' near /api/uploads and files in below example
eg: curl --form files=@/Users/me/Desktop/a.png --form files=@/Users/me/Desktop/b.png http://localhost:3000/uploads
returns uploaded file names as string
For upload and download of files -> you can specify storage folder using -s option Upload and download apis are available only with local mysql server
Shows up time of Xmysql process and mysql server
Provides more details on process.
Infact passing any query param gives detailed health output: example below
-V, --version Output the version number
-h, --host <n> Hostname of database -> localhost by default
-u, --user <n> Username of database -> root by default
-p, --password <n> Password of database -> empty by default
-d, --database <n> database schema name
-r, --ipAddress <n> IP interface of your server / localhost by default
-n, --portNumber <n> Port number for app -> 3000 by default
-o, --port <n> Port number of mysql -> 3306 by default
-a, --apiPrefix <n> Api url prefix -> /api/ by default
-s, --storageFolder <n> Storage folder -> current working dir by default (available only with local)
-i, --ignoreTables <n> Comma separated table names to ignore
-c, --useCpuCores <n> Specify number of cpu cores to use / 1 by default / 0 to use max
-y, --readOnly readonly apis -> false by default
-h, --help Output usage information
$ xmysql -u username -p password -d databaseSchema
Simply run with docker run -p 3000:80 -d markuman/xmysql:0.4.2
The best way for testing is to run mysql in a docker container too and create a docker network, so that xmysql
can access the mysql
container with a name from docker network.
docker network create mynet
and bind to docker network mynet
docker run --name some-mysql -p 3306:3306 --net mynet -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -d markuman/mysql
from step 2
docker run -p 3000:80 -d -e DATABASE_HOST=some-mysql --net mynet markuman/xmysql
You can also pass the environment variables to a file and use them as an option with docker like docker run --env-file ./env.list -p 3000:80 --net mynet -d markuman/xmysql
environment variables which can be used:
Furthermore, the docker container of xmysql is listen on port 80. You can than request it just with http://xmysql/api/
in other services running in the same docker network.
Given you've deployed your xmysql docker container like
docker run -d \
--network local_dev \
--name xmysql \
-p 3000:80 \
-e DATABASE_HOST=mysql_host \
but the response is just
then obviously the connection to your mysql database failed.
docker exec -ti xmysql
apk --update --no-cache add mysql-client
mysql-client -h mysql_host
error output and improve the environment variables for mysqlThis is a config example when you use nginx as reverse proxy
events {
worker_connections 1024;
http {
server {
listen 80 ;
location / {
rewrite ^/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
docker network create local_dev
docker run -d --name mysql -p 3306:3306 --network local_dev -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password mysql
docker run -d --network local_dev --name xmyxql -e DATABASE_NAME=sys -e DATABASE_HOST=mysql -p 3000:80 markuman/xmysql:0.4.2
sudo nginx -g 'daemon off;' -c /tmp/nginx.conf
When you start your nginx proxy in a docker container too, use as proxy_pass
the --name
value of xmysql. E.g. proxy_pass http://xmysql
(remember, xmysql runs in it's docker container already on port 80).
docker-compose run test
to be installed on your machine.FAQs
One command to generate REST APIs for any MySql database, support multi databases
The npm package mysql-rest receives a total of 81 weekly downloads. As such, mysql-rest popularity was classified as not popular.
We found that mysql-rest demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
Socket's package search now displays weekly downloads for npm packages, helping developers quickly assess popularity and make more informed decisions.
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A Stanford study reveals 9.5% of engineers contribute almost nothing, costing tech $90B annually, with remote work fueling the rise of "ghost engineers."
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Socket’s threat research team has detected six malicious npm packages typosquatting popular libraries to insert SSH backdoors.