Lightning fast, asynchronous, streaming Turtle / N3 / RDF
Notation3 or N3 is a superset of RDF, the Semantic Web language.
This library will provide a high-performance N3 store, parser, and generator (when finished).
Currently implemented:
Parsing Turtle
The node-n3 library features a streaming Turtle parser,
processing Turtle documents as they grow.
var parser = new n3.Parser();
parser.parse('@prefix c: <>.\n' +
'c:Tom a c:Cat.\n' +
'c:Jerry a c:Mouse;\n' +
' c:smarterThan c:Tom.',
function (error, triple) {
if (triple)
console.log(triple.subject, triple.predicate, triple.object, '.');
console.log("# That's it, folks!")
Storing and finding items
In this example below, we create a new store and add the triples :Pluto a :Dog.
and :Mickey a :Mouse
Then, we find a triple with :Mickey
as subject.
var n3 = require('n3');
var store = new n3.Store();
store.add(':Pluto', 'a', ':Dog');
store.add(':Mickey', 'a', ':Mouse');
var mickey = store.find(':Mickey', null, null)[0];
console.log(mickey.subject, mickey.predicate, mickey.object, '.');
You can install the n3 library as an npm package.
$ npm install n3
Learn more
The Bringing reasoning to the Web page explains the origins of this project and provides pointers to related resources.