NativeScript DNA Device Info
NativeScript plugin to acquire device info.
The plugin offers cross-platform, utility, APIs to retrieve or query device-related information. The utility APIs are available for iOS and Android platforms.
From the command prompt, go to your app's root folder and execute:
tns plugin add nativescript-dna-deviceinfo
This command automatically installs the necessary files, as well as stores nativescript-dna-deviceinfo as a dependency in your project's package.json file.
Import / require
Various device related utility APIs are accessible from the DeviceInfo class. To import the class, use one of the following forms:
import { DeviceInfo } from 'nativescript-dna-deviceinfo';
const nativescript_dna_deviceinfo = require("nativescript-dna-deviceinfo");
const DeviceInfo = nativescript_dna_deviceinfo.DeviceInfo;
- totalMemory
Returns total memory(RAM) size of a device in bytes.
- freeMemory
Returns free memory(RAM) size of a device in bytes.
- totalStorageSpace
Returns total storage(internal) space of a device in bytes.
- freeStorageSpace
Returns free storage(internal) space of a device in bytes.
- deviceId
Returns a device ID.
- deviceName
Returns a device name.
- Notes for Android users:
- Permission BLUETOOTH is needed.
- deviceLocale
Returns the locale of a device.
- deviceCountry
Returns the device country.
- timezone
Returns the time zone of a device.
- userAgent
Returns the user agent string of a device.
- appName
Returns an app name.
- appVersion
Returns an app version.
- bundleId
Returns an app bundle id.
- bundleNumber
Returns an app bundle number.
- systemManufacturer
Returns a device manufacturer.
- batteryLevel
Returns the charge level of a device battery.
- cellularServiceProviders
Returns a list of GSM network providers, Carrier, in use by device. In absence of adequate permission, returns empty Carrier list.
let carriers = DeviceInfo.cellularServiceProviders();
Below is the Carrier interface:
interface Carrier {
carrierName: string;
displayName: string;
country: string;
mobileCountryCode: string;
isoCountryCode: string;
countryCode: string;
mobileNetworkCode: string;
generation: WCTGeneration;
networkType: RadioAccessTechnology;
Besides other helpful information returned from the API, it can be used to know whether the device has a fast internet connection or not.
- Notes for Android users:
- If the targetSdkVersion is 17, a device with dual sim, the API returns an "active" carrier. Permission ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION is needed.
- If the targetSdkVersion is >= 22, a device with dual sim, the API returns both the carriers. Permission READ_PHONE_STATE is needed. To know more about the request permissions process, please visit the link Request App Permissions.
- externalStoragePaths
Returns a list of paths for all mountable volumes (external storage cards, USB O-T-G). The empty list means that no mountable volumes found.
- storageVolumes
Returns a list of StorageVolume. An empty list means that no mountable volumes found.
let storageVolumes = DeviceInfo.storageVolumes();
Below is the StorageVolume interface:
interface StorageVolume {
path: string;
totalSize: number;
availableSize: number;
lowBytesLimit: number;
fullBytesLimit: number;
description: string;
isRemovableStorage: boolean;
isAllowMassStorage: boolean;
isEmulated: boolean;
isPrimary: boolean;
- wifiSSID
Returns service set identifier(SSID) of a wireless local area network (WLAN). In absence of right permissions, returns an empty string.
Notes for Android users:
- Android version 9 (Pie) requires location service in enabled(ON) state alongside above-said permissions.
- To know more about the request permissions process, please visit the link Request App Permissions.
Notes for iOS users:
- To use this API on iOS 12 and later, enable the Access WiFi Information.
- To use this API on iOS 13 and later, enable the Access WiFi Information, and
- must also meet at least one of criteria below
- Apps with permission to access location
- Currently enabled VPN app
- NEHotspotConfiguration (only Wi-Fi networks that the app configured)
- Kindly visit the link Access WiFi Information to enable it for your app with the id "" in package.json.
- Also, add this to your App_Resources/iOS/app.entitlements (mind the name!) file:
- The demo app has this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" " PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
- displayMetrics
Returns DisplayMetrics of a device.
Below is the DisplayMetrics interface:
interface DisplayMetrics {
scale: number;
pixelPerInch: number;
widthInPixels: number;
heightInPixels: number;
diagonalInInches: number;
- Notes for Android users:
- A word of caution: pixelPerInch and diagonalInInches may be inaccurate and not matches to the device specs.
- isPortrait
Returns 'true' if a device is in portrait mode, otherwise 'false'.
- isTablet
Returns 'true' if a device is a tablet, otherwise 'false'.
- is24Hour
Returns 'true' if a device configured to a 24-hour clock, otherwise 'false'.
- isEmulator
Returns 'true' if an app is running on an emulator, otherwise 'false'.
- isBatteryCharging
Returns 'true' if a device is plugged in and charging, otherwise 'false'.
- isLocationEnabled
Depending on the state of Location Service and the app permission, returned Promise may resolve to 'true' or 'false'. In the absence of appropriate permission, rejected Promise is returned.
DeviceInfo.isLocationEnabled().then(value => console.log(value))
.catch(error => console.log(error));
async LocationServiceStatus() {
const status = await DeviceInfo.isLocationEnabled().catch(error => console.log(error));
- Notes for Android users:
- Permission ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION is required.
- isBluetoothEnabled
Depending on the state of Bluetooth and the app permission, returned Promise may resolve to 'true' or 'false'. In the absence of appropriate permission, rejected Promise is returned.
DeviceInfo.isBluetoothEnabled().then(value => console.log(value))
.catch(error => console.log(error));
async PrintBluetoothStatus() {
const status = await DeviceInfo.isBluetoothEnabled().catch(error => console.log(error));
- Note for Android users:
- Permission BLUETOOTH is needed.
APIs in Action
async printDeviceInfo() {
console.log("Free memory: ", formatBytes(DeviceInfo.freeMemory()));
console.log("Total memory: ", formatBytes(DeviceInfo.totalMemory()));
console.log("Total storage space: ", formatBytes(DeviceInfo.totalStorageSpace()));
console.log("Free storage space: ",formatBytes(DeviceInfo.freeStorageSpace()));
console.log("Device id: ", DeviceInfo.deviceId());
console.log("Device name: ", DeviceInfo.deviceName());
console.log("Device locale: ", DeviceInfo.deviceLocale());
console.log("Device country: ", DeviceInfo.deviceCountry());
console.log("Device timezone: ", DeviceInfo.timezone());
console.log("Device user agent: ", DeviceInfo.userAgent());
console.log("App name: ", DeviceInfo.appName());
console.log("App version: ", DeviceInfo.appVersion());
console.log("App bundle id: ", DeviceInfo.bundleId());
console.log("App bundle number: ", DeviceInfo.bundleNumber());
console.log("System manufacturer: ", DeviceInfo.systemManufacturer());
console.log("Battery level: ", Math.round(DeviceInfo.batteryLevel()));
console.log("Storage paths: ", DeviceInfo.externalStoragePaths());
console.log("Storage volume info: ", DeviceInfo.storageVolumes());
console.log("WiFi SSID: ", DeviceInfo.wifiSSID());
console.log("Display metrics: ", DeviceInfo.displayMetrics());
console.log("Is portrait orientation: ", DeviceInfo.isPortrait());
console.log("Is tablet: ", DeviceInfo.isTablet());
console.log("Is 24 hour: ", DeviceInfo.is24Hour());
console.log("Is emulator: ", DeviceInfo.isEmulator());
console.log("Is battery charing: ", DeviceInfo.isBatteryCharging());
console.log("Is Location service enabled: ", await DeviceInfo.isLocationEnabled()
.catch(error => console.log(error)));
console.log("Is Bluetooth enabled: ", await DeviceInfo.isBluetoothEnabled()
.catch(error => console.log(error)));
formatBytes(bytes, decimals) {
if (bytes === 0) return '0 GB'
if (isNaN(parseInt(bytes))) return bytes
if (typeof bytes === 'string') bytes = parseInt(bytes)
if (bytes === 0) return '0';
const k = 1000;
const dm = decimals + 1 || 3;
const sizes = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];
const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));
return `${parseFloat((bytes / k ** i).toFixed(dm))} ${sizes[i]}`;
- 1.0.0: First release.
- 1.0.1: Minor document correction.
- 1.1.0: New APIs related to battery charging status and its charge level.
- 1.1.1: Updated document.
- 1.2.0: Added an API to retrieve Network Providers, Carriers, related information.
- 1.2.1: Removed unwanted dependencies.
- 1.3.0: Added externalStoragePaths API. Fixed crashes and compatibility issues with the Android platform.
- 1.4.0: Added storageVolumeInfo API.
- 2.0.0: Changed APIs name for storageVolumes & cellularServiceProviders.
- 2.1.0: Added an API to get service set identifier(SSID) of a wireless local area network (WLAN).
- 2.1.1: The documentation is updated.
- 2.1.2: Added the package nativescript-custom-entitlements to dev dependencies to the demo app.
- 2.1.3: Adjusted the license from Apache-2.0 to MIT.
- 2.2.0: Added an API to get a status of Bluetooth.
- 2.3.0: Added APIs to get device orientation and display metrics.
- 2.3.1: Updated Mobile Country Code and Mobile Network Code.
- 2.4.0: Added an API to get location service state.
- 2.4.1: Updated documentation.
- 2.4.2: Handled crash in the API cellularServiceProviders for the Android platform.
MIT license (see LICENSE file)