startWithKey | Start session with app key |
startNewSession | Start new session |
stopSessionAndUploadData | Stop current session and upload data |
urlForCurrentSession | Get URL for current session |
urlForCurrentUser | Get URL for current user |
occludeSensitiveScreen | Hide/unhide screen while sensitive view is present |
occludeAllTextFields | Hide all text input fields |
setUserIdentity | Set user identity |
setUserProperty | Set property for current user |
logEvent | Log event |
logEventWithProperties | Log event with properties |
pauseScreenRecording | Pause the screen recording |
resumeScreenRecording | Resume the screen recording |
optOutOverall | This will cancel any current session recording and opt this device out of future session recordings |
optInOverall | Current session will be stopped and a new session will be started with the last settings |
optIntoVideoRecording | This will opt this device into video recording for future sessions |
optOutOfVideoRecording | This will opt this device out of video recording for future sessions |
optInVideoRecordingStatus | Returns the opt-in video status of this device |
optInOverallStatus | Returns the opt-in status of this device |
cancelCurrentSession | Cancels the recording of the current session and discards the data |
setMultiSessionRecord | Set whether to record multiple sessions or not |
deletePendingUploads | Deletes any sessions that are awaiting upload |
pendingSessionCount | Returns how many sessions are waiting to be uploaded |
occludeSensitiveView | Hide a view that contains sensitive information or that you do not want recording |
unOccludeSensitiveView | Unhides occluded view |
occludeSensitiveViewWithoutGesture | Occludes sensitive view and disables gesture capture for that view |
tagScreenName | Tag screen name. Useful for framework like flutter, react native and nativescript, where application is rendered in single controller or activity |
setAutomaticScreenNameTagging | Enable / disable the automatic tagging of screen names |
setPushNotificationToken | Set the token to be used to send push notifications to the app |
reportBugEvent | Send a report of a problem your app encountered to be displayed in the dashboard |
reportBugEventProperties | Send bug event with associated properties |