What This Is:
A command line tool to automatically generate some or all feature set files for NestJS:
The generated class files will automatically reference each other through imports and injections.
// Globally:
npm install nestjs-gen -g
// Local project only:
npm install nestjs-gen
(If using with local project only, replace ngen
below with: ./node_modules/.bin/ngen
Generate a Module / Controller / Service / Repository / Model (or all):
ngen <name> <options>
This will generate a folder <name> within the current directory, and then all specified classes according to the options. See below for examples.
(Tip: Use --prefix to place files within a prefix directory, from the current folder)
(Tip: Use --crud to automatically generate CRUD interfaces within the Controller and Service classes)
Generate a Module with all features (module, controller, service, repository, and model):
ngen example --all
This will generate:
./modules/example/example.module.js (ExampleModule)
./modules/example/example.controller.js (ExampleController)
./modules/example/example.service.js (ExampleService)
./modules/example/example.repository.js (ExampleRepository)
./modules/example/models/example.model.js (ExampleModel)
(and corresponding CRUD interface within controller and service)
Generate just a Controller, Repository, and Test model (not in a module)
ngen example --crud
This will generate:
./example/example.controller.js (ExampleController)
./example/example.repository.js (ExampleRepository)
./example/models/example.model.js (ExampleModel)
(and corresponding CRUD interface within controller and service)
(Tip: If you want the files generated in their own module, just specify --module
Generate each specific thing you want
ngen example --module --controller --service --repository --model --crud --prefix "src"
Or shorter:
ngen example --m --c --s --r --md --crud --prefix src
This will generate all the respective class files within "src/modules/example/".
To Note:
- If you specify --repository or --crud, a model will automatically be generated.
- If you specify --auth,
decorators will be added to the CRUD interfaces.
Your custom auth guard class name and location can be defined with --auth-guard-class and --auth-guard-location.
All Options:
--p <prefix> Specify root/prefix dir to generate in optional
--prefix <prefix> Specify root/prefix dir to generate in optional
--a Generate all (module + controller + service + repository + model optional default: false
--all Generate all (module + controller + service + repository + model optional default: false
--m Generate a module optional default: false
--module Generate a module optional default: false
-r Generate a repository for the model optional default: false
--repo Generate a repository for the model optional default: false
--repository Generate a repository for the model optional default: false
--md Generate the model files optional default: false
--model Generate the model files optional default: false
--model-name Specify the exact name for the model class optional default: false
--no-model-dir Don't put models in default "models" subdirectory optional default: false
--c Generate a controller for the model optional default: false
--controller Generate a controller for the model optional default: false
--s Generate a service for the model optional default: false
--service Generate a service for the model optional default: false
--crud Generates CRUD actions within the controller and service optional default: false
--auth CRUD actions will add authentication guards, requiring a logged in user optional default: false
--auth-guard-class The name of the Guard class optional default: false
--auth-guard-location The location of the Guard class optional default: false
Other Things to Note / Todo:
The generated files will all reference eachother correctly, but you will still need to add these references to your main AppModule, or wherever you need to use them. In other words: this package doesn't edit existing files.