NestJS Hot-shots

Hot-shots Module for Nest.js Framework. A Node.js client for Etsy's StatsD server, Datadog's DogStatsD server, and InfluxDB's Telegraf
StatsD server.
- TypeScript types
- Telegraf support
- Events
- Child clients
- TCP/UDS Protocol support
- Raw Stream Protocol support
- Mock mode
- Much more, including many bug fixes
For questions and support please use
the Issues.
$ npm i nestjs-hot-shots hot-shots
$ yarn add nestjs-hot-shots hot-shots
$ pnpm add nestjs-hot-shots hot-shots
Once the installation process is complete, we can import the HotShotsModule
into the root AppModule
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { HotShotsModule } from 'nestjs-hot-shots';
imports: [
port: 8020,
globalTags: { env: process.env.NODE_ENV }
export class AppModule {
Then inject StatsD
provider for use hot-shots
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { StatsD } from 'hot-shots';
export class AppMetrics {
public constructor(private readonly metrics: StatsD) {
public metricStuff() {
See the hot-shots module for more details.
Stay in touch
MIT © Alexey Filippov