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A production-grade error creation and serialization library designed for Typescript

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A production-grade error creation library designed for Typescript. Useful for direct printing of errors to a client or for internal development / logs.

  • All created errors extend Error with additional methods added on.
  • Show errors that are safe for client / user-consumption vs internal only.
  • Create your own custom error types with custom messaging, status codes and metadata.
    • Errors can be created via a registry (recommended), or you can create your own error classes.
  • Attach an error to your error object to get the full error chain.
  • Selectively expose error metadata based on internal or external use.
  • Built-in auto-completion for Typescript when searching for registered error types.
  • 100% test coverage

Generating an error with autocompletion

Table of Contents

Motivation / Error handling use-cases

The basic Javascript Error type is extremely bare bones - you can only specify a message.

In a production-level application, I've experienced the following use-cases:

  • A developer should be able to add metadata to the error that may assist with troubleshooting.
  • A developer should be able to reference the original error.
  • Errors should be able to work with a logging framework.
  • Errors should be well-formed / have a defined structure that can be consumed / emitted for analytics and services.
  • Errors should be able to be cross-referenced in various systems via an identifier / error id.
  • Errors should not expose sensitive data to the end-user / client.
  • Errors that are exposed to the end-user / client should not reveal data that would expose system internals.
  • Error responses from an API service should follow a common format.
  • End-users / clients should be able to relay the error back to support; the relayed data should be enough for a developer to troubleshoot.
  • Client developers prefer a list of error codes to expect from an API service so they can properly handle errors.

new-error was built with these use-cases in mind.


$ npm i new-error --save


  • Define a set of high level errors
    • Common high level error types could be 4xx/5xx HTTP codes
  • Define a set of low level errors
    • Think of low level errors as a fine-grained sub-code/category to a high level error
  • Initialize the error registry with the errors

With the error registry

The error registry is the fastest way to define and create errors.

// This is a working example
import { ErrorRegistry } from 'new-error'

// Define high level errors
// Do *not* assign a Typescript type to the object
// or IDE autocompletion will not work!
const errors = {
    * The class name of the generated error
    className: 'InternalServerError',
     * A user-friendly code to show to a client.
    code: 'ERR_INT_500',
    * (optional) Protocol-specific status code, such as an HTTP status code. Used as the
    * default if a Low Level Error status code is not defined.
    statusCode: 500,
     * (optional) Log level string / number to associate with this error.
     * Useful if you want to use your logging system to log the error but
     * assign a different log level for it. Used as the default if a
     * Low Level log level is not defined.
    logLevel: 'error'

// Define low-level errors
// Do *not* assign a Typescript type to the object
// or IDE autocompletion will not work!
const errorCodes = {
  // 'type' of error
     * Full description of the error. sprintf() flags can be applied
     * to customize it.
     * @see
    message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s',
     * (optional) A user-friendly code to show to a client.
    subCode: 'DB_0001',
     * (optional) Protocol-specific status code, such as an HTTP status code.
    statusCode: 500,
     * (optional) Log level string / number to associate with this error.
     * Useful if you want to use your logging system to log the error but
     * assign a different log level for it.
    logLevel: 'error'

// Create the error registry by registering your errors and codes
// you will want to memoize this as you will be using the
// reference throughout your application
const errRegistry = new ErrorRegistry(errors, errorCodes)

// Create an instance of InternalServerError
// Typescript autocomplete should show the available definitions as you type the error names
// and type check will ensure that the values are valid
const err = errRegistry.newError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'DATABASE_FAILURE')



(You can omit fields you do not need - see usage section below.)

  errId: 'err-1234',
  name: 'InternalServerError',
  code: 'ERR_INT_500',
  message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code SQL_1234',
  subCode: 'DB_0001',
  statusCode: 500,
  meta: {},
  stack: 'InternalServerError: There was a database failure, SQL err code %s\n' +
    '    at ErrorRegistry.newError (new-error/src/ErrorRegistry.ts:128:12)\n' +
    '    at Object.<anonymous> (new-error/src/test.ts:55:25)\n' +
    '    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)\n' +
    '    at Module._compile (new-error/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:541:25)\n' +
    '    at Module.m._compile (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-20649714243977457.js:57:25)\n' +
    '    at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)\n' +
    '    at require.extensions.<computed> (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-20649714243977457.js:59:14)\n' +
    '    at Object.nodeDevHook [as .ts] (new-error/node_modules/ts-node-dev/lib/hook.js:61:7)\n' +
    '    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)\n' +
    '    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)'

Class-based with low level errors without a registry

You can create concrete error classes by extending the BaseRegistryError class, which extends the BaseError class.

The registry example can be also written as:

import { BaseRegistryError, LowLevelError } from 'new-error'

class InternalServerError extends BaseRegistryError {
  constructor (errDef: LowLevelError) {
      code: 'ERR_INT_500',
      statusCode: 500
    }, errDef)

const err = new InternalServerError({
  message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s',
  subCode: 'DB_0001',
  statusCode: 500,
  logLevel: 'error'


Bare-bones class-based error

If you want a native-style Error, you can use BaseError.

The registry example can be written as:

import { BaseError } from 'new-error'

class InternalServerError extends BaseError {}

const err = new InternalServerError('There was a database failure, SQL err code %s')
  // calling these methods are optional


Example Express Integration

import express from 'express'
import { ErrorRegistry, BaseError } from 'new-error'
const app = express()
const port = 3000

const errors = {
    className: 'InternalServerError',
    code: 'ERR_INT_500',
    statusCode: 500

const errorCodes = {
    message: 'There was a database failure.',
    subCode: 'DB_0001',
    statusCode: 500

const errRegistry = new ErrorRegistry(errors, errorCodes)

// middleware definition
app.get('/', async (req, res, next) => {
  try {
    // simulate a failure
    throw new Error('SQL issue')
  } catch (e) {
    const err = errRegistry.newError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'DATABASE_FAILURE')
    // errors must be passed to next()
    // to be caught when using an async middleware
    return next(err)

// catch errors
app.use((err, req, res, next) => {
  // error was sent from middleware
  if (err) {
    // check if the error is a generated one
    if (err instanceof BaseError) {
      // generate an error id
      // you'll want to use a library like 'nanoid' instead
      // this is just an example

      // log the error
      // the "null, 2" options formats the error into a readable structure
      console.error(JSON.stringify(err.toJSON(), null, 2))

      // get the status code, if the status code is not defined, default to 500
      res.status(err.getStatusCode() ?? 500)
      // spit out the error to the client
      return res.json({
        err: err.toJSONSafe()
    // You'll need to modify code below to best fit your use-case
    // err.message could potentially expose system internals
    return res.json({
      err: {
        message: err.message

  // no error, proceed

app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`))

If you visit http://localhost:3000, you'll get a 500 status code, and the following response:

{"err": {"errId": "xd0v1szkziq", code":"ERR_INT_500","subCode":"DB_0001","statusCode":500,"meta":{}}}

Working with log levels

You might want to use a different log level when logging common errors, such as validation errors.

import { ErrorRegistry } from 'new-error'

const errors = {
    className: 'ValidationError',
    statusCode: 400,
    // probably don't want to log every validation error
    // in production since these errors tend to happen frequently
    // and would pollute the logs
    logLevel: 'debug'

const errorCodes = {
    message: 'Form submission data is missing fields',
    statusCode: 400

const errRegistry = new ErrorRegistry(errors, errorCodes)

// some part of the application throws the error
const err = errRegistry.newError('VALIDATION_ERROR', 'MISSING_FORM_FIELDS')

// another part of the application catches the error
if (err.getLogLevel() === 'debug') {
  console.debug(JSON.stringify(err.toJSON(), null, 2))
} else {
  console.error(JSON.stringify(err.toJSON(), null, 2))

Error Registry API

The ErrorRegistry is responsible for the registration and creation of errors.

Creating errors

Errors generated by the registry extends BaseError.

Create a well-defined error

Method: ErrorRegistry#newError(highLevelErrorName, LowLevelErrorName)

This is the method you should generally use as you are forced to use your well-defined high and low level error definitions. This allows for consistency in how errors are defined and thrown.

// Creates an InternalServerError error with a DATABASE_FAILURE code and corresponding
// message and status code
const err = errRegistry.newError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'DATABASE_FAILURE')

Create an error without a low-level error

Method: ErrorRegistry#newBareError(highLevelErrorName, message)

This method does not include a low level error code, and allows direct specification of an error message.

// Creates an InternalServerError error with a custom message
const err = errRegistry.newBareError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'An internal server error has occured.')

instanceOf / comparisons

Comparing a custom error

Method: ErrorRegistry#instanceOf(classInstance, highLevelErrorName)

Performs an instanceof operation against a custom error.

// creates an InternalServerError error instance
const err = errRegistry.newError('INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'DATABASE_FAILURE')

if (errRegistry.instanceOf(err, 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR')) {
  // resolves to true since err is an InternalServerError instance

Native instanceof

You can also check if the error is custom-built using this check:

import { BaseError } from 'new-error'

function handleError(err) {
  if (err instanceof BaseError) {
    // err is a custom error

Error API

Except for the getter and serialization methods, all other methods are chainable.

Generated errors extend the BaseError class, which supplies the manipulation methods.


  • BaseError#getErrorId()
  • BaseError#getErrorName()
  • BaseError#getCode()
  • BaseError#getErrorType()
  • BaseError#getSubCode()
  • BaseError#getStatusCode()
  • BaseError#getCausedBy()
  • BaseError#getMetadata()
  • BaseError#getSafeMetadata()
  • BaseError#getLogLevel()

Basic setters

If you use the registry, you should not need to us these setters as the registry sets the values already.

  • BaseError#withErrorType(type: string): this
  • BaseError#withErrorCode(code: string | number): this
  • BaseError#withErrorSubCode(code: string | number): this
  • BaseError#withLogLevel(level: string | number): this

Static methods

  • static BaseError#fromJSON(data: object, options?: object): BaseError

Set an error id

Method: BaseError#withErrorId(errId: string)

Attaches an id to the error. Useful if you want to display an error id to a client / end-user and want to cross-reference that id in an internal logging system for easier troubleshooting.

For example, you might want to use nanoid to generate ids for errors.

import { nanoid } from 'nanoid'


// In your logging system, log the error, which will include the error id

// expose the error to the client via err.toJSONSafe() or err.getErrorId(), which 
// will also include the error id - an end-user can reference this id to 
// support for troubleshooting

Attaching errors

Method: BaseError#causedBy(err: any)

You can attach another error to the error.

const externalError = new Error('Some thrown error')

Format messages

Method: BaseError#formatMessage(...formatParams)

See the sprintf-js package for usage.

// specify the database specific error code
// Transforms the message to:
// 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s' ->
// 'There was a database failure, SQL err code SQL_ERR_1234',

Adding metadata

Safe metadata

Method: BaseError#withSafeMetadata(data = {})

Safe metadata would be any kind of data that you would be ok with exposing to a client, like an HTTP response.

  errorId: 'err-12345',
  moreData: 1234
// can be chained to append more data
  requestId: 'req-12345'

This can also be written as:

  errorId: 'err-12345',
  moreData: 1234

// This will append requestId to the metadata
  requestId: 'req-12345'

Internal metadata

Method: BaseError#withMetadata(data = {})

Internal metadata would be any kind of data that you would not be ok with exposing to a client, but would be useful for internal development / logging purposes.

  email: ''
// can be chained to append more data
  userId: 'user-abcd'

Serializing errors

Safe serialization

Method: BaseError#toJSONSafe(fieldsToOmit = [])

Generates output that would be safe for client consumption.

  • Omits name
  • Omits message
  • Omits causedBy
  • Omits type
  • Omits logLevel
  • Omits the stack trace
  • Omits any data defined via BaseError#withMetadata()
  requestId: 'req-12345'
// you can remove additional fields by specifying property names in an array
//.toJSONSafe(['code']) removes the code field from output


  code: 'ERR_INT_500',
  subCode: 'DB_0001',
  statusCode: 500,
  meta: { requestId: 'req-12345' }

Internal serialization

Method: BaseError#toJSON(fieldsToOmit = [])

Generates output that would be suitable for internal use.

  • Includes name
  • Includes type
  • Includes message
  • Includes causedBy
  • Includes the stack trace
  • All data from BaseError#withMetadata() and BaseError#withSafeMetadata() is included
  reqId: 'req-12345',
  email: ''
// you can remove additional fields by specifying property names in an array
//.toJSON(['code', 'statusCode']) removes the code and statusCode field from output


  name: 'InternalServerError',
  code: 'ERR_INT_500',
  message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s',
  subCode: 'DB_0001',
  statusCode: 500,
  meta: { errorId: 'err-12345', requestId: 'req-12345' },
  stack: 'InternalServerError: There was a database failure, SQL err code %s\n' +
    '    at ErrorRegistry.newError (new-error/src/ErrorRegistry.ts:128:12)\n' +
    '    at Object.<anonymous> (new-error/src/test.ts:55:25)\n' +
    '    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30)\n' +
    '    at Module._compile (new-error/node_modules/source-map-support/source-map-support.js:541:25)\n' +
    '    at Module.m._compile (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-17091160954051898.js:57:25)\n' +
    '    at Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10)\n' +
    '    at require.extensions.<computed> (/private/var/folders/mx/b54hc2lj3fbfsndkv4xmz8d80000gn/T/ts-node-dev-hook-17091160954051898.js:59:14)\n' +
    '    at Object.nodeDevHook [as .ts] (new-error/node_modules/ts-node-dev/lib/hook.js:61:7)\n' +
    '    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32)\n' +
    '    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14)'


Issues with deserialization

Deserialization is not perfect

  • The serialized output may or may not include the name property (if using toJSONSafe()) that would be able to hydrate it back into a specific error instance.
  • The metadata is squashed in the serialized output that information is required to separate them.
  • It is difficult to determine the original type / structure of the causedBy data. As a result, it will be copied as-is.

Potential security issues with deserialization

  • You need to be able to trust the data you're deserializing as the serialized data can be modified in various ways by an untrusted party.
  • The deserialization implementation does not perform JSON.parse() as JSON.parse() in its raw form is susceptible to prototype pollution if the parse function does not have a proper sanitization function. It is up to the developer to properly trust / sanitize / parse the data.

ErrorRegistry#fromJSON() method

This method will attempt to deserialize into a registered error type. If it is unable to, a BaseError instance is returned instead.

ErrorRegistry#fromJSON(data: object, [options]: DeserializeOpts): IBaseError

  • data: Data that is the output of BaseError#toJSON(). The data must be an object, not a string.
  • options: Optional deserialization options.
interface DeserializeOpts {
   * Fields from meta to pluck as a safe metadata field
  safeMetadataFields?: {
    // the value must be set to true.
    [key: string]: true

Returns a BaseError instance or an instance of a registered error type.

import { ErrorRegistry } from 'new-error'

const errors = {
    className: 'InternalServerError',
    code: 'ERR_INT_500',
    statusCode: 500,
    logLevel: 'error'

const errorCodes = {
    message: 'There was a database failure, SQL err code %s',
    subCode: 'DB_0001',
    statusCode: 500,
    logLevel: 'error'

const errRegistry = new ErrorRegistry(errors, errorCodes)

const data = {
    'errId': 'err-123',
    'code': 'ERR_INT_500',
    'subCode': 'DB_0001',
    'message': 'test message',
    'meta': { 'safeData': 'test454', 'test': 'test123' },
    'name': 'InternalServerError',
    'statusCode': 500,
    'causedBy': 'test',
    'stack': 'abcd'

// err should be an instance of InternalServerError
const err = errRegistry.fromJSON(data, {
  safeMetadataFields: {
    safeData: true

static BaseError#fromJSON() method

If you are not using the registry, you can deserialize using this method. This also applies to any class that extends BaseError.

static BaseError#fromJSON(data: object, [options]: DeserializeOpts): IBaseError

  • data: Data that is the output of BaseError#toJSON(). The data must be an object, not a string.
  • options: Optional deserialization options.

Returns a BaseError instance or an instance of the class that extends it.

import { BaseError } from 'new-error'

// assume we have serialized error data
const data = {
  code: 'ERR_INT_500',
  subCode: 'DB_0001',
  statusCode: 500,
  errId: 'err-1234',
  meta: { requestId: 'req-12345', safeData: '123' }

// deserialize
// specify meta field assignment - fields that are not assigned will be assumed as withMetadata() type data
const err = BaseError.fromJSON(data, {
  // (optional) Fields to pluck from 'meta' to be sent to BaseError#safeMetadataFields()
  // value must be set to 'true'
  safeMetadataFields: {
    safeData: true

Stand-alone instance-based deserialization

If the name property is present in the serialized data if it was serialized with toJson(), you can use a switch to map to an instance:

const data = {
  // be sure that you trust the source of the deserialized data!
  // anyone can modify the 'name' property to whatever
  name: 'InternalServerError',
  code: 'ERR_INT_500',
  subCode: 'DB_0001',
  statusCode: 500,
  errId: 'err-1234',
  meta: { requestId: 'req-12345', safeData: '123' }

let err = null

switch ( {
  case 'InternalServerError':
    // assume InternalServerError extends BaseError
    return InternalServerError.fromJSON(data)
    return BaseError.fromJSON(data)



Package last updated on 21 Sep 2020

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