Client middleware for nice-grpc that
adds automatic retries to unary calls.
Exponential backoff
is added between retry attempts.
npm install nice-grpc-client-middleware-retry
It is generally not safe to retry calls in case of errors, because the failed
call might have reached the server and had an effect on the system. For example,
an increment operation is not idempotent, since executing it twice will
increment by 2. In contrast, a delete operation can be made idempotent, if the
server ignores the delete of an already non-existent entity. Any read-only
operation is inherently idempotent .
In this middleware, the retries are disabled by default, unless the method is
marked as idempotent:
service ExampleService {
rpc ExampleMethod(ExampleMethodRequest) returns (ExampleMethodResponse) {
option idempotency_level = IDEMPOTENT;
Note that method options currently work only when
compiling with ts-proto
import {
} from 'nice-grpc';
import {retryMiddleware} from 'nice-grpc-client-middleware-retry';
const clientFactory = createClientFactory().use(retryMiddleware);
const channel = createChannel(address);
const client = clientFactory.create(ExampleService, channel);
const response = await client.exampleMethod(request, {
retry: true,
retryMaxAttempts: 5,
retryableStatuses: [Status.UNAVAILABLE],
onRetryableError(error: ClientError, attempt: number, delayMs: number) {
logger.error(error, `Call failed (${attempt}), retrying in ${delayMs}ms`);
Infinite retries
You can also set retryMaxAttempts
to Infinity
and use AbortSignal
the retried call:
import AbortController from 'node-abort-controller';
const abortController = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);
const response = await client.exampleMethod(request, {
retry: true,
retryMaxAttempts: Infinity,
signal: abortController.signal,
When using this middleware together with
deadline middleware,
make sure to have them in correct order. This way, if the retry is currently in
a backoff delay, it will be correctly aborted upon deadline:
const clientFactory = createClientFactory()
Client configuration
Instead of specifying retry options per call, you can configure retries when
creating the client:
const clientFactory = createClientFactory().use(retryMiddleware);
const channel = createChannel(address);
const client = clientFactory.create(ExampleService, channel, {
'*': {
retryMaxAttempts: 5,
exampleMethod: {
retry: true,