a simple way do a large amount of event bindings. Heavily inspired by backbones event bindings in views.
To Install
$ component install honeinc/bound
or on node
$ npm install node-bound
Example Usage
Lets say you have a controller, that you want to consume some events from a common messaging system that uses events. Other component used in example is honeinc/emit.
var emit = require('emit'),
bound = require('bound');
function UserController ( ) {
bound( emit, {
'user:save' : 'handleSave',
'user:create' : 'handleCreate',
'user:delete' : 'handleDelete'
}, this );
UserController.prototype.handleSave = function ( ) { };
UserController.prototype.handleCreate = function ( ) { };
UserController.prototype.handleDelete = function ( ) { };
This will bind all the events in the given context to the right method and keep the context that is given, which is great when in the context of a constructor.
bound( emitter, eventMethodObject, context );
You can also unbind events that get bound by bound
bound.unbind( emitter, eventMethodObject, context );
To contribute you will need to make sure all the test are passing. To run the test you will need mocha. Then install the dependecies.
$ npm install
Then to run the test
$ npm test
- Add support for binding to node-style emitters in addition to browser-based emitters.