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The node-switchbot is a Node.js module which allows you to move your Switchbot (Bot)'s arm and Switchbot Curtain(Curtain), also monitor the temperature/humidity from SwitchBot Thermometer & Hygrometer (Meter).

  • 1.4.1
  • Source
  • npm
  • Socket score

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The node-switchbot is a Node.js module which allows you to move your Switchbot (Bot)'s arm and Switchbot Curtain, also monitor the temperature/humidity from SwitchBot Thermometer & Hygrometer (Meter) as well as the status from SwitchBot Motion Sensor and SwitchBot Contact Sensor

This module is unofficial. It was developed by reference to the official python code. But some functionalities of this module were developed through trial and error. So some information obtained from this module might be wrong.

Table of Contents

Supported OS

The node-switchbot supports only Linux-based OSes, such as Raspbian, Ubuntu, and so on. This module does not support Windows and macOS for now. (If @abandonware/noble is installed properly, this module might work well on such OSes.)


See the document of the @abandonware/noble for details on installing the @abandonware/noble.

Note that the noble must be run as root on most of Linux environments. See the document of the @abandonware/noble for details.


Before installing the @abandonware/noble, some linux libraries related Bluetooth as follows if the OS is Ubuntu/Debian/Raspbian.

$ sudo apt-get install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev

If you use other OS, follow the instructions described in the document of the @abandonware/noble.

After installing the libraries above, install the @abandonware/noble and the node-switchbot (this module) as follows:

$ cd ~
$ npm install @abandonware/noble
$ npm install node-switchbot

Quick Start

Monitoring Advertising packets

Monitoring the advertising packets, you can find your devices and know the latest state of each device. The packet contains the settings of the device, the arm position of the Bot, the temperature and humidity of the Meter, and so on.

// Load the node-switchbot and get a `Switchbot` constructor object
const Switchbot = require('node-switchbot');
// Create an `Switchbot` object
const switchbot = new Switchbot();

(async () => {
  // Start to monitor advertisement packets
  await switchbot.startScan();
  // Set an event hander
  switchbot.onadvertisement = (ad) => {
    console.log(JSON.stringify(ad, null, '  '));
  // Wait 10 seconds
  await switchbot.wait(10000);
  // Stop to monitor

The startScan() methods starts to monitor advertisement packets. In order to receive the packets, you have to assign a callback function to the onadvertisement.

The wait() method is just a utility method, which wait for the specified milliseconds.

The startScan() and wait() methods are asynchronous, they return a Promise object. You can write code in promise style as well. What the code below does is as same as what the code above does:

// Load the node-switchbot and get a `Switchbot` constructor object
const Switchbot = require("node-switchbot");
// Create an `Switchbot` object
let switchbot = new Switchbot();

// Start to monitor advertisement packets
  .then(() => {
    // Set an event hander
    switchbot.onadvertisement = (ad) => {
      console.log(JSON.stringify(ad, null, "  "));
    // Wait 10 seconds
    return switchbot.wait(10000);
  .then(() => {
    // Stop to monitor

The sample codes above will output the result as follows:

  "id": "c12e453e2008",
  "address": "c1:2e:45:3e:20:08",
  "rssi": -61,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "H",
    "modelName": "WoHand",
    "mode": true,
    "state": false,
    "battery": 100
  "id": "cb4eb903c96d",
  "address": "cb:4e:b9:03:c9:6d",
  "rssi": -70,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "T",
    "modelName": "WoSensorTH",
    "temperature": {
      "c": 25.2,
      "f": 77.4
    "fahrenheit": false,
    "humidity": 43,
    "battery": 100
  "id": "ec58c5d00111",
  "address": "ec:58:c5:d0:01:11",
  "rssi": -39,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "c",
    "modelName": "WoCurtain",
    "calibration": true,
    "battery": 91,
    "position": 1,
    "lightLevel": 1

See the section "Advertisement data" for the details of the advertising packets.

Moving the arm of the Bot

This sample discovers a Bot (WoHand), then put the Bot's arm down, finally put it up in 5 seconds.

// Load the node-switchbot and get a `Switchbot` constructor object
const Switchbot = require("node-switchbot");
// Create an `Switchbot` object
const switchbot = new Switchbot();

(async () => {
  // Find a Bot (WoHand)
  const bot_list = await{ model: "H", quick: true });
  if (bot_list.length === 0) {
    throw new Error("No device was found.");
  // The `SwitchbotDeviceWoHand` object representing the found Bot.
  let device = bot_list[0];
  // Put the Bot's arm down (stretch the arm)
  await device.down();
  // Wait for 5 seconds
  await switchbot.wait(5000);
  // Put the Bot's arm up (retract the arm)
  await device.up();

In order to manipulate the arm of your Bot, you have to discover your Bot using the discover() method. The object { model: 'H' } passed to the method means that only Bots will be discovered. That is, Meters will be ignored.

In this code, you can get a SwitchbotDeviceWoHand object representing the found Bot. Using the down() and up() methods of the object, you can move the arm. In addition to these methods, you can use the press(), turnOn(), and turnOff() methods as well.

Switchbot object

In order to use the node-switchbot, you have to load the node-switchbot module as follows:

const Switchbot = require('node-switchbot');

You can get an Switchbot constructor from the code above. Then you have to create an Switchbot object from the Switchbot constructor as follows:

const switchbot = new Switchbot();

The Switchbot constructor takes an argument optionally. It must be a hash object containing the properties as follows:

nobleNobleoptiona Noble object of the @abandonware/noble module

The node-switchbot module uses the @abandonware/noble module in order to interact with BLE devices. If you want to interact other BLE devices using the @abandonware/noble module, you can create an Noble object by yourself, then pass it to this module. If you don't specify a Noble object to the noble property, this module automatically create a Noble object internally.

The sample code below shows how to pass a Nobel object to the Switchbot constructor.

// Create a Noble object
const noble = require('@abandonware/noble');

// Create a Switchbot object
const Switchbot = require('node-switchbot');
const switchbot = new Switchbot({'noble': noble});

In the code snippet above, the variable switchbot is an Switchbot object. The Switchbot object has a lot of methods as described in sections below.

discover() method

The discover method finds devices. This method returns a Promise object. This method takes an argument which is a hash object containing parameters as follows:

durationIntegerOptionalDuration for discovery process (msec). The default value is 5000 (msec).
modelStringOptional"H", "T" or "c". If "H" is specified, this method will discover only Bots. If "T" is specified, this method will discover only Meters. If "c" is specified, this method will discover only Curtains.
idStringOptionalIf this value is set, this method will discover only a device whose ID is as same as this value. The ID is identical to the MAC address. This parameter is case-insensitive, and colons are ignored.
quickBooleanOptionalIf this value is true, this method finishes the discovery process when the first device is found, then calls the resolve() function without waiting the specified duration. The default value is false.

In the code snippet below, no parameter is passed to the method: => {
  // Do something...
}).catch((error) => {

If no parameter is passed to the method as the code above, an Array object will be passed to the resolve() function in 5 seconds. The Array object contains SwitchbotDevice objects representing the found devices. See the section "SwitchbotDevice objects" for more details.

If you want a quick response, you can set the quick property to true.{
    duration: 5000,
    quick: true
}).then((device_list) => {
  // Do something...
}).catch((error) => {

As the quick property is set to true, the resolve() function will be called immediately after a device is found regardless the value of the duration property.

ondiscover event handler

The ondiscover property on the Switchbot object is an event handler called whenever a device is newly found in the discovery process. A SwitchbotDevice object is passed to the callback function set to the ondiscover property.

switchbot.ondiscover = (device) => {
  console.log( + ' (' + device.modelName + ')');
}; => {
  console.log('The discovery process was finished.');
}).catch((error) => {

The code snippet above will output the result as follows:

cb4eb903c96d (WoSensorTH)
c12e453e2008 (WoHand)
The discovery process was finished.

startScan() method

The startScan() method starts to scan advertising packets coming from devices. This method takes an argument which is a hash object containing the parameters as follows:

modelStringOptional"H", "T" or "c". If "H" is specified, this method will discover only Bots. If "T" is specified, this method will discover only Meters. If "c" is specified, this method will discover only Curtains.
idStringOptionalIf this value is set, this method will discover only a device whose ID is as same as this value. The ID is identical to the MAC address. This value is case-insensitive, and colons are ignored.

Whenever a packet is received, the callback function set to the onadvertisement property of the Switchbot object will be called. When a packet is received, a hash object representing the packet will be passed to the callback function.

// Set a callback function called when a packet is received
switchbot.onadvertisement = (ad) => {

// Start to scan advertising packets
  id: 'cb:4e:b9:03:c9:6d',
}).then(() => {
  // Wait for 30 seconds
  return switchbot.wait(30000);
}).then(() => {
  // Stop to scan
}).catch((error) => {

The code snippet above will output the result as follows:

  id: 'cb4eb903c96d',
  address: 'cb:4e:b9:03:c9:6d',
  rssi: -65,
  serviceData: {
    model: 'T',
    modelName: 'WoSensorTH',
    temperature: { c: 25.8, f: 78.4 },
    fahrenheit: false,
    humidity: 43,
    battery: 100

The serviceData property depends on the model of the device. See the section "Advertisement data" for the details of the data format.

stopScan() method

The stopScan() method stops to scan advertising packets coming from devices. This method returns nothing. Note that this method is not asynchronous but synchronous unlike the other methods. See the section "startScan() method" for details.

onadvertisement event handler

If a callback function is set to the onadvertisement property, the callback function will be called whenever an advertising packet is received from a device during the scan is active (from the moment when the startScan() method is called, to the moment when the stopScan() method is called).

See the section "startScan() method" for details.

wait() method

The wait() method waits for the specified milliseconds. This method takes an integer representing the duration (millisecond). This method returns a Promise object.

This method has nothing to do with Switchbot devices. It's just a utility method. See the section "Quick Start" for details of the usage of this method.

SwitchbotDevice object

The SwitchbotDevice object represents a Switchbot device (Bot, Meter, Curtain, Contact or Motion), which is created through the discovery process triggered by the method.

Actually, the SwitchbotDevice object is a super class of the SwitchbotDeviceWoHand and SwitchbotDeviceWoSensorTH objects. The SwitchbotDeviceWoHand object represents a Bot, the SwitchbotDeviceWoSensorTH object represents a Meter.

You can use the properties and methods described in this section on Bot, Meter, Curtain, Contact and Motion. See the section "SwitchbotDeviceWoHand object" for the details of the functionalities available only on Bot. For now, SwitchbotDeviceWoSensorTH object has no additional functionality.


The SwitchbotDevice object supports the properties as follows:

idStringID of the device. (e.g., "cb4eb903c96d")
addressStringMAC address of the device. Basically it is as same as the value of the id except that this value includes : in the string. (e.g., "cb:4e:b9:03:c9:6d")
modelStringThis value is "H" "Bot (WoHand)", "T" "Meter (WoSensorTH)", "c" "Curtain (WoCurtain)", "d" "Contact (WoContact)" or "s" "Motion (WoMotion)".
modelNameStringThis value is "WoHand", "WoSensorTH", WoCurtain, WoContect or WoMotion.
connectionStateStringThis value indicates the BLE connection state. "connecting", "connected", "disconnecting", or "disconnected".
onconnectFunctionSee the section "onconnect event handler" for details.
ondisconnectFunctionSee the section "ondisconnect event handler" for details.

getDeviceName() method

The getDeviceName() method fetches the device name saved in the device. This method returns a Promise object.

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

If the device name is fetched successfully, the device name will be passed to the resolve().

  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].getDeviceName();
  .then((name) => {
  .catch((error) => {

The code above will output the result as follows:


setDeviceName() method

The setDeviceName() method update the device name saved in the device with the name specified as the first argument. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resolve() function.

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

The character set of the device name saved in the device is UTF-8. The byte length of the name must be less than or equal to 20 bytes. If the name consists of only ASCII characters, up to 20 characters would be allowed. But if the name consists of multibyte characters, the upper limit of characters would be fewer than half. For example, Japanese characters could be saved at most 6 characters because most of Japanese characters consume 3 byte per each character.

  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].setDeviceName("Bot in kitchen");
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

connect() method

The connect() method establishes a connection with the device (i.e., pairing). This method returns a Promise object. If the device has already been connected, this method does nothing and calls the resolve() function immediately.

Most of the methods implemented in the SwitchbotDevice object automatically connect and disconnect the device. But this mechanism would be absolutely inefficient if you want to manipulate the device repeatedly in the short time.

The connection established using the connect() method is not disconnected automatically unless the disconnect() method is explicitly called.

The code snippet below establishes a connection with the Bot using the connect() method, then puts the Bot's arm down, then waits for 5 seconds, then puts the arm down, finally disconnects the device using the disconnect() method:

let device = null;

  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    device = device_list[0];
    if (!device) {
      console.log("No device was found.");
    console.log(device.modelName + " (" + device.address + ") was found.");
    return device.connect();
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Putting the arm down...");
    return device.down();
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Waiting for 5 seconds...");
    return switchbot.wait(5000);
  .then(() => {
    console.log("Putting the arm up...");
    return device.up();
  .then(() => {
    return device.disconnect();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

The result will be as follows:

WoHand (c1:2e:45:3e:20:08) was found.
Putting the arm down...
Waiting for 5 seconds...
Putting the arm up...

disconnect() method

The disconnect() method disconnects the device. This method returns a Promise object. If the device has already been disconnected, this method does nothing and calls the resolve() function immediately.

See the previous section for more details.

onconnect event handler

The onconnect event handler will be called when the connection with the device is established. Nothing will be passed to the handler.

The code below calls the press() method, while callback functions are attached to the onconnect and ondisconnect.

  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    let device = device_list[0];
    if (!device) {
      console.log("No device was found.");
    console.log(device.modelName + " (" + device.address + ") was found.");

    // Set event handers
    device.onconnect = () => {
    device.ondisconnect = () => {

    console.log("Pressing the switch...");
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

The code above will output the result as follows:

WoHand (c1:2e:45:3e:20:08) was found.
Pressing the switch...

Seeing the result, you would find the press() method automatically connects and disconnects the device.

ondisconnect event handler

The ondisconnect event handler will be called when the connection with the device is closed. Nothing will be passed to the handler. See the previous section "onconnect event handler" for more details.

SwitchbotDeviceWoHand object

The SwitchbotDeviceWoHand object represents a Bot, which is created through the discovery process triggered by the method.

Actually, the SwitchbotDeviceWoHand is an object inherited from the SwitchbotDevice. You can use not only the method described in this section but also the properties and methods implemented in the SwitchbotDevice object.

press() method

The press() method sends a press command to the Bot. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].press();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

When the Bot receives this command, the Bot's arm will be put down (stretched), then put up (retracted) in a few seconds.

turnOn() method

The turnOn() method sends a turn-on command to the Bot. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Bot receives this command, the Bot's arm will be put down (stretched) or put up (retracted) depending on the mode setting.

ModeInverse the on/off directionPhysical position of the arm
Press modeN/ADown (stretched), then Up (retracted)
Switch modeDisabledDown (stretched)
 EnabledUp (retracted)
  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].turnOn();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

turnOff() method

The turnOff() method sends a turn-off command to the Bot. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Bot receives this command, the Bot's arm will be put down (stretched) or put up (retracted) depending on the mode setting.

ModeInverse the on/off directionPhysical position of the arm
Press modeN/ADown (stretched), then Up (retracted)
Switch modeDisabledUp (retracted)
 EnabledDown (stretched)
  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].turnOff();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

down() method

The down() method sends a down command to the Bot. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Bot receives this command, the Bot's arm will be put down (stretched) regardless of the mode setting.

  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].down();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

up() method

The up() method sends an up command to the Bot. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Bot receives this command, the Bot's arm will be put up (retracted) regardless of the mode setting.

  .discover({ model: "H", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].up();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

SwitchbotDeviceWoCurtain object

The SwitchbotDeviceWoCurtain object represents a Curtain, which is created through the discovery process triggered by the method.

Actually, the SwitchbotDeviceWoCurtain is an object inherited from the SwitchbotDevice. You can use not only the method described in this section but also the properties and methods implemented in the SwitchbotDevice object.

open() method

  .discover({ model: "c", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].open();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

close() method

The close() method sends a close command to the Curtain. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Curtain receives this command, the Curtain will close the curtain (100% position). If not calibrated, the Curtain does not move.

  .discover({ model: "c", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].close();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

pause() method

The pause() method sends a pause command to the Curtain. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Curtain receives this command, the Curtain will pause.

  .discover({ model: "c", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].pause();
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

runToPos() method

The runToPos() method sends a position command to the Curtain. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Curtain receives this command, the Curtain will run to the percentage position. If not calibrated, the Curtain does not move.

The open() method sends an open command to the Curtain. This method returns a Promise object. Nothing will be passed to the resove().

If no connection is established with the device, this method automatically establishes a connection with the device, then finally closes the connection. You don't have to call the connect() method in advance.

When the Curtain receives this command, the Curtain will open the curtain (0% position). If not calibrated, the Curtain does not move.

percentIntegerRequiredThe percentage of target position (0-100). (e.g., 50)
modeIntegerOptionalThe running mode of Curtain.
0x00 - Performance mode.
0x01 - Silent mode.
0xff - Default. Unspecified, from Curtain's settings.
  .discover({ model: "c", quick: true })
  .then((device_list) => {
    return device_list[0].runToPos(50);
  .then(() => {
  .catch((error) => {

Advertisement data

After the startScan() method is invoked, the onadvertisement event handler will be called whenever an advertising packet comes from the switchbot devices. An object containing the properties as follows will be passed to the event handler:

idStringID of the device. (e.g., "cb4eb903c96d")
addressStringMAC address of the device. Basically it is as same as the value of the id except that this value includes : in the string. (e.g., "cb:4e:b9:03:c9:6d")
rssiIntegerRSSI. (e.g., -62)
serviceDataObjectAn object including the device-specific data.

The structures of the serviceData are described in the following sections.

Bot (WoHand)

Example of the advertisement data:

  "id": "c12e453e2008",
  "address": "c1:2e:45:3e:20:08",
  "rssi": -61,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "H",
    "modelName": "WoHand",
    "mode": true,
    "state": false,
    "battery": 100

Structure of the serviceData:

modelStringThis value is always "H", which means "Bot (WoHand)".
modelNameStringThis value is always "WoHand", which means "Bot".
modeBooleanThis indicates the mode setting. When the mode is "Switch mode", this value is true. When the mode is "Press mode", this value is false.
stateBooleanThis value indicates whether the switch status is ON or OFF.
batteryInteger(experimental) This value indicates the battery level (%).

The mode can be changed only using the official smartphone app. The node-switchbot does not support changing the mode because the BLE protocol is non-public.

If the mode is false, which means the "Press mode" is selected, the state is always false. If the mode is true, which means the "Switch mode" is selected, the state represents the logical state (ON or OFF). Note that it does not mean the physical arm position. The physical arm position depends on the setting "Inverse the on/off direction" on the official smartphone app.

"Inverse the on/off direction"Value of the stateLogical statePhysical arm position
disabledtrueOFFUp (retracted)
 falseONDown (stretched)
enabledtrueOFFDown (stretched)
 falseONUp (retracted)

The battery is experimental for now. I'm not sure whether the value is correct or not. Never trust this value for now.

Meter (WoSensorTH)

Example of the advertisement data:

  "id": "cb4eb903c96d",
  "address": "cb:4e:b9:03:c9:6d",
  "rssi": -70,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "T",
    "modelName": "WoSensorTH",
    "temperature": {
      "c": 25.2,
      "f": 77.4
    "fahrenheit": false,
    "humidity": 43,
    "battery": 100

Structure of the data:

modelStringThis value is always "T", which means "Meter (WoSensorTH)".
modelNameStringThis value is always "WoSensorTH", which means "Meter".
   cFloatTemperature (degree Celsius/°C)
   fFloatTemperature (degree Fahrenheit/℉)
fahrenheitBooleanThe flag whether the Meter shows Fahrenheit (true) or Celsius (false) for the temperature on the display
humidityIntegerHumidity (%)
batteryInteger(experimental) This value indicates the battery level (%).

The fahrenheit indicates the setting on the device. Note that it does not indicate the setting on the official smartphone app. The setting of the temperature unit on the device and the setting on the app are independent.

The battery is experimental for now. I'm not sure whether the value is correct or not. Never trust this value for now.

Curtain (WoCurtain)

Example of the advertisement data:

  "id": "ec58c5d00111",
  "address": "ec:58:c5:d0:01:11",
  "rssi": -39,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "c",
    "modelName": "WoCurtain",
    "calibration": true,
    "battery": 91,
    "position": 1,
    "lightLevel": 1

Structure of the serviceData:

modelStringThis value is always "c", which means "Curtain (WoCurtain)".
modelNameStringThis value is always "WoCurtain", which means "Curtain".
calibrationBooleanThis value indicates the calibration status (true or false).
batteryIntegerThis value indicates the battery level (1-100, %).
positionIntegerThis value indicates the percentage of current position (0-100, 0 is open, %).
lightLevelIntegerThis value indicates the light level of the light source currently set (1-10).

Contact (WoContact)

Example of the advertisement data:

  "id": "f0cda125e3ec",
  "address": "f0:cd:a1:25:e3:ec",
  "rssi": -56,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "d",
    "modelName": "WoContact",
    "movement": false,
    "battery": 95,
    "doorState": "close",
    "lightLevel": "bright"

Structure of the serviceData:

modelStringThis value is always "c", which means "Contact (WoContact)".
modelNameStringThis value is always "WoContact", which means "Contact".
movementBooleanThis value indicates the motion status (true or false).
batteryIntegerThis value indicates the battery level (1-100, %).
doorStateStringThis value indicates the door Status (close, open, timeout no closed).
lightLevelStringThis value indicates the light level (dark, bright).

Motion (WoMotion)

Example of the advertisement data:

  "id": "e7216fa344a9",
  "address": "e7:21:6f:a3:44:a9",
  "rssi": -53,
  "serviceData": {
    "model": "s",
    "modelName": "WoMotion",
    "movement": false,
    "battery": 96,
    "lightLevel": "bright"

Structure of the serviceData:

modelStringThis value is always "s", which means "Motion (WoMotion)".
modelNameStringThis value is always "WoMotion", which means "Motion".
movementBooleanThis value indicates the motion status (true or false).
batteryIntegerThis value indicates the battery level (1-100, %).
lightLevelStringThis value indicates the light level (dark, bright).




Package last updated on 27 Aug 2022

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