This is a Node utility for generating test results file in the TRX format. This format is compliant with the namespace, found in full spec in %VSINSTALLDIR%\xml\Schemas\vstst.xsd.
This libary is a partial implementation of the XSD.
This library was designed to reduce domain knowledge needed to create TRX files via a simple, fluent interface.
var fs = require('fs')
, TRX = require('../trx')
, TestRun = TRX.TestRun
, UnitTest = TRX.UnitTest
, computerName = 'bmanci01'
, run;
run = new TestRun({
name: 'Sample TRX Import',
runUser: 'Brian Mancini'
test: new UnitTest({ name: 'test 1', methodName: 'test1', methodCodeBase: 'testing-framework', methodClassName: 'test1' }),
computerName: computerName,
outcome: 'Passed',
duration: '00:00:44.7811567',
startTime: '2010-11-16T08:48:29.9072393-08:00',
endTime: '2010-11-16T08:49:16.9694381-08:00'
test: new UnitTest({ name: 'test 2', methodName: 'test2', methodCodeBase: 'testing-framework', methodClassName: 'test2' }),
computerName: computerName,
outcome: 'Inconclusive',
duration: '00:00:44.7811567',
startTime: '2010-11-16T08:48:29.9072393-08:00',
endTime: '2010-11-16T08:49:16.9694381-08:00'
test: new UnitTest({ name: 'test 3', methodName: 'test3', methodCodeBase: 'testing-framework', methodClassName: 'test3' }),
computerName: computerName,
outcome: 'Failed',
duration: '00:00:44.7811567',
startTime: '2010-11-16T08:48:29.9072393-08:00',
endTime: '2010-11-16T08:49:16.9694381-08:00'
fs.writeFileSync('example.trx', run.toXml());