object-interpolator takes an object and replaces date tokens with date formats
npm install object-interpolator
Allows for strings or objects containing strings in a particular format to be interpolated to a date String.
This would allow for a string to "always" be 30 days in the past. "{{date('-30days', 'YYYY-MM-DD')}}"
var interpolator = require('object-interpolator');
var obj = {
a: 'test',
b: 'test',
c: "{{date('YYYY-MM-DD')}}",
d: "{{date('-1days', 'YYYY-MM-DD')}}",
e: "{{date('YYYY-MM-DD')}}",
f: "{{date('-30days', 'YYYY-MM-DD')}}",
g: "{{date('-1years', '-1years', 'start of year')}}"
var newObj = interpolator.interpolateSpecialValues(obj);
You can + or - any # of (seconds|minutes|hours|days|weeks|months|years)
You can start of (year|month|quarter|week|isoWeek|day|hour|minute|second)
You can now pass multiple date prompts together, like in example 'g'
If no format is given, it will default to YYYY-MM-DD
With really bad input, an Error will be thrown, otherwise garbage in - garbage out