OpenLayers LayerSwitcher
Grouped layer list control for an OpenLayer map.
To be shown in the LayerSwitcher layers should have a title
property; base
layers should have a type
property set to base
. Group layers
) can be used to visually group layers together; a group with
a fold
property set to either open
or close
will be displayed with a
See API documentation and Examples for usage.
Compatible with OpenLayers version 3, 4, 5 and 6 (see note in Install - Parcel,
Webpack etc. regarding installing the appropriate version
of ol-layerswitcher
for OpenLayers).
The examples demonstrate usage and can be viewed online thanks to
- Basic usage
- Create a layer switcher control. Each layer to be displayed in the layer switcher has a
property as does each Group; each base map layer has a type: 'base'
property. See the comments in examples/layerswitcher.js for other layer/ group options including combine
and fold
- Add layer
- Add a layer to an existing layer group after the layer switcher has been added to the map.
- Scrolling
- Makes the panel scroll vertically, the height of the layer switcher is controlled by setting the
style (see examples/scroll.css) and it's position relative to the bottom of the map (see the .layer-switcher.shown
selector in dist/ol-layerswitcher.css).
- Side bar
- Collapse groups
- Shows the effect of setting the
property of a Group to allow the group to be collapsed.
- Selectable Groups
- Demonstrates setting the
option which determines if groups have a checkbox and how toggling a groups visibility affects it's children. The demo includes the ability to change the groupSelectStyle
to easily see the effect of the different values.
- Bundling with
package (Browserify, Parcel, Webpack...) - Activate panel with click
- Shows setting
activationMode: 'click'
(default is 'mouseover'
). When using this mode the control's button persists in the panel - use collapseLabel
to set its text (default is collapseLabel: '»'
, see the comments in examples/layerswitcher.js for other examples). The close button is positioned to the left of the panel, to move it to the right add the following to your CSS:
.layer-switcher.shown.layer-switcher-activation-mode-click {
padding-right: 34px;
.layer-switcher.shown.layer-switcher-activation-mode-click > button {
right: 0;
border-left: 0;
Start with panel active
- Example with the layer switcher starting open using
startActive: true
. Here shown in combination with `activationMode: 'click' which, while not required, is probably the most common scenario.
Multiple maps
- Demonstrates creating two independent maps each with a layer switcher control.
To use the layer switcher with the ol
package and a module bundler such as Browserify, Parcel, Webpack, TypeScript etc. see ol-layerswitcher-examples.
The source for all examples can be found in examples.
See CHANGELOG for details of changes in each release.
Load ol-layerswitcher.js
after OpenLayers. The layerswitcher control is available as LayerSwitcher
or ol.control.LayerSwitcher
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
Parcel, Rollup, Webpack, TypeScript etc.
NPM package: ol-layerswitcher.
Install the package via npm
npm install ol-layerswitcher --save
:warning: If you're using the ol
package prior to v5 you'll need to install ol-layerswitcher@v2.0.0
The CSS file ol-layerswitcher.css
can be found in ./node_modules/ol-layerswitcher/dist
To use the layerswitcher with the ol
package and a module bundler such as Parcel, Webpack etc. see ol-layerswitcher-examples.
TypeScript type definition
TypeScript types are shipped with the project in the dist
directory and should be automatically used in a TypeScript project. Interfaces are provided for LayerSwitcher Options as well as extend interfaces for BaseLayer and LayerGroup Options that include the LayerSwitcher specific properties such as title
, combine
These interfaces can be imported into your project and used to cast object literals passed to layer or group constructors:
import 'ol/ol.css';
import 'ol-layerswitcher/dist/ol-layerswitcher.css';
import Map from 'ol/Map';
import View from 'ol/View';
import LayerGroup from 'ol/layer/Group';
import LayerTile from 'ol/layer/Tile';
import SourceOSM from 'ol/source/OSM';
import SourceStamen from 'ol/source/Stamen';
import LayerSwitcher from 'ol-layerswitcher';
import { BaseLayerOptions, GroupLayerOptions } from 'ol-layerswitcher';
const osm = new LayerTile({
title: 'OSM',
type: 'base',
visible: true,
source: new SourceOSM()
} as BaseLayerOptions);
const watercolor = new LayerTile({
title: 'Water color',
type: 'base',
visible: false,
source: new SourceStamen({
layer: 'watercolor'
} as BaseLayerOptions);
const baseMaps = new LayerGroup({
title: 'Base maps',
layers: [osm, watercolor]
} as GroupLayerOptions);
const map = new Map({
target: 'map',
layers: [baseMaps]
const layerSwitcher = new LayerSwitcher({
reverse: true,
groupSelectStyle: 'group'
See BaseLayerOptions and GroupLayerOptions.
Table of Contents
Extends ol/control/Control~Control
OpenLayers LayerSwitcher Control, displays a list of layers and groups
associated with a map which have a title
To be shown in the LayerSwitcher panel layers must have a title
base map layers should have a type
property set to base
. Group layers
) can be used to visually group layers together; a group
with a fold
property set to either 'open'
or 'close'
will be displayed
with a toggle.
See BaseLayerOptions for a full list of LayerSwitcher
properties for layers (TileLayer
, ImageLayer
, VectorTile
etc.) and
GroupLayerOptions for group layer (LayerGroup
LayerSwitcher properties.
Layer and group properties can either be set by adding extra properties
to their options when they are created or via their set method.
Specify a title
for a Layer by adding a title
property to it's options object:
var lyr = new ol.layer.Tile({
title: 'OpenStreetMap',
visible: true,
source: new ol.source.OSM()
Alternatively the properties can be set via the set
method after a layer has been created:
var lyr = new ol.layer.Tile({
visible: true,
source: new ol.source.OSM()
lyr.set('title', 'OpenStreetMap');
To create a LayerSwitcher and add it to a map, create a new instance then pass it to the map's addControl
var layerSwitcher = new LayerSwitcher({
reverse: true,
groupSelectStyle: 'group'
Set the map instance the control is associated with.
Map The map instance.
Returns void
Show the layer panel. Fires 'show'
Returns void
Hide the layer panel. Fires 'hide'
Returns void
Re-draw the layer panel to represent the current state of the layers.
Returns void
[static] - Re-draw the layer panel to represent the current state of the layers.
Map The OpenLayers Map instance to render layers forpanel
HTMLElement The DOM Element into which the layer tree will be renderedoptions
RenderOptions Options for panel, group, and layers
Returns void
[static] - Determine if a given layer group contains base layers
Returns boolean
[static] - Get an Array of all layers and groups displayed by the LayerSwitcher (has a 'title'
contained by the specified map or layer group; optionally filtering via filterFn
Returns Array<BaseLayer>
[static] - Call the supplied function for each layer in the passed layer group
recursing nested groups.
Returns void
[static] - Generate a UUID
Adapted from
Returns String UUID
Event triggered after the panel has been shown.
Listen to the event via the on
or once
methods; for example:
var layerSwitcher = new LayerSwitcher();
layerSwitcher.on('show', (evt) => {
console.log('show', evt);
Event triggered after the panel has been hidden.
Extends ControlOptions, RenderOptions
[interface] - LayerSwitcher Options specified when creating a LayerSwitcher
instance, extends RenderOptions and
Control Options.
Default values:
activationMode: 'mouseover',
startActive: false,
label: ''
collapseLabel: '\u00BB',
tipLabel: 'Legend',
collapseTipLabel: 'Collapse legend',
groupSelectStyle: 'children',
reverse: false
Event to use on the button to collapse or expand the panel. Defaults to
Type: ("mouseover"
| "click"
Whether panel is open when created. Defaults to false
Type: boolean
Text label to use for the button that opens the panel. E.g.: ''
(default), '«'
or '\u00AB'
, '+'
Type: string
Text label to use for the button that closes the panel. E.g.: '»'
(default) or '\u00BB'
, '-'
or '\u2212'
. Only used when activationMode: 'mouseover'
Type: string
The button tooltip when the panel is closed.
Type: string
The button tooltip when the panel is open.
Type: string
[interface] - LayerSwitcher Render Options as passed to LayerSwitcher
constructor as part of Options and static
How layers and groups behave when a given layer's visibility is set. See GroupSelectStyle type for possible values.
Type: GroupSelectStyle
Should the order of layers in the panel be reversed?
Type: boolean
[type] - How layers and groups behave when a given layer's visibility is set, either:
- groups don't get a checkbox,'children'
(default) groups have a checkbox and affect child visibility or'group'
groups have a checkbox but do not alter child visibility (like QGIS).
Type: ("none"
| "children"
| "group"
Extends ol/layer/Base~Options
[interface] - Extended BaseLayer Options interface adding properties
used by the LayerSwitcher
Title of the layer displayed in the LayerSwitcher panel
Type: string
Type of the layer, a layer of type: 'base'
is treated as a base map
layer by the LayerSwitcher and is displayed with a radio button
Type: "base"
Extends ol/layer/Group~Options, BaseLayerOptions
[interface] - Extended LayerGroup Options interface adding
properties used by the LayerSwitcher.
When true
child layers are not shown in the Layer Switcher panel
Type: boolean
Fold state of the group, if set then the group will be displayed with a
button to allow the user to show/ hide the child layers.
Type: ("open"
| "close"
To run the tests you'll need to install the dependencies via npm
. In the root of the repository run:
npm install
Then run the tests by opening test/index.html in a browser.
MIT (c) Matt Walker.
Also see
If you find the layer switcher useful you might also like the
npm run build
# Open ./tests/ in browser
# Open examples and manually test
# Determine new version number (check current with `git tag --list`, check npm and GitHub)
# Update version number in `package.json` and ``
# Add entry to
git commit package.json
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push origin master --tags
npm publish
Beta release
npm run build
# Tests/ examples
# Beta version should be X.Y.Z-beta.N
# Update version number in `package.json` and ``
# Add entry to
git commit package.json
git tag vX.Y.Z-beta.N
git push --tags
npm publish --tag beta
# To list all version on npm
npm show ol-layerswitcher versions --json