OpenLayers 3 Projection Switcher
An OpenLayers 3 Control to switch between projections.
npm install ol3-projection-switcher
Create a Projection Switcher control and add it to the map.
var config = {
projections: {
'EPSG:4326': {
layerId: 'arctic',
proj4def: '+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +lon_0=-45 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs',
extent: [-4194304, -4194304, 4194304, 4194304],
maxResolution: 8192.0
var projectionSwitcher = new ol.control.ProjectionSwitcher(config);
The Projection Switcher configuration contains an object with a 'projections' property. Projections are
configured with an EPSG code. Each projection is configured using the following properties.
(Required) Unique identifier for this projectionname
(Optional) Hover text used for the projection buttonlabel
(Optional) Text used for the projection buttonvisible
(Required) Set the default layer visibilityproj4def
(Required) Proj4 Definition from
(Required) Extent of the layermaxResolution
(Required) Max Resolution of the layerzoom
(Required) Initial zoom levelmaxZoom
(Required) Maximum zoom level
Examples are found in the examples directory. Run them with Webpack from the project root directory.
First run npm install
This module uses peer dependencies that are not explicitly installed.
npm install openlayers proj4
Basic Example:
npm run examples:basic
Hemisphere Example:
npm run examples:hemispheres
Start a dev server to run Mocha tests in a browser:
npm run test
The tests can be run at http://localhost:3001/test/
To run linting on the project use npm run lint
To distribute the module:
npm run dist
to build and npm run dist-dev
to build a minified version.
The release process follows SemVer.
Update the version number with <update_type> being a choice of patch, minor, major:
npm version <update_type>
Publish the module:
npm publish
The OpenLayers 3 Projection Switcher is licensed under the MIT license. See