Welcome to OpenVidu Components Angular
Build powerful video conferencing applications with ease using OpenVidu Components Angular.
Angular Components are the simplest way to create real-time videoconferencing apps with Angular. There's no need to manage state or low-level events; Angular Components from OpenVidu handle all the complexity for you.
Getting Started
To get started with OpenVidu Components Angular, visit our Getting Started guide.
Create an Angular Project (>= 17.0.0)
ng new your-project-name
Add Angular Material to your project
ng add @angular/material
Install OpenVidu Components Angular
npm install openvidu-components-angular
Import and use OpenVidu Components Angular
import { OpenViduComponentsModule, OpenViduComponentsConfig } from 'openvidu-components-angular';
const config: OpenViduComponentsConfig = {
production: environment.production
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
}).catch((err) => console.error(err));
You can also customize the styles in your styles.scss
:root {
--ov-background-color: #303030;
--ov-surface-color: #ffffff;
--ov-text-primary-color: #ffffff;
--ov-text-surface-color: #1d1d1d;
--ov-primary-action-color: #273235;
--ov-secondary-action-color: #f1f1f1;
--ov-accent-action-color: #0089ab;
--ov-error-color: #eb5144;
--ov-warn-color: #ffba53;
--ov-toolbar-buttons-radius: 50%;
--ov-leave-button-radius: 10px;
--ov-video-radius: 5px;
--ov-surface-radius: 5px;
API Documentation
For detailed information on OpenVidu Angular Components, refer to our API Reference.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our Support page.