Package.xml generator in JavaScript
npm install package-xml -g
change directories to you project directory, which contains your src folder and run
or, the long version...
package-xml -D "./src" -n "PackageName" -v "37.0" -m
Options: (No options are required)
- If no directory is provided, it will default to ./src
- If there is no version, it will use version 37 (Summer 16)
- If no name is provided, the package will not have a name
-D, --dir The path to the source directory containing your SFDC files and
metadata. Your package.xml file will end up here.
[string] [default: "./src"]
-v, --version The Saleforce API Version you wish to target with this package.
[string] [default: "37.0"]
-n, --name The name of the package.
-m Include Managed objects and fields