Function to match against stuff.
Inspired by:
Load the thing:
const match = require('pamach');
Pass some args and spec obj:
const drink = 'coke';
const myDrink = match(drink)({
coke: () => { return 'Pssshhh...'; },
wine: () => { return 'I like this harvest from summer 1901...'; },
beer: () => { return 'After a long day...' },
default: () => { return 'H20'; },
Multiple arguments:
const firstComponent = 'coke';
const secondComponent = 'vodka';
const cocktail = match(firstComponent, secondComponent)({
'coke, vodka': () => { return 'Much better together'; },
'beer, vodka': () => { return 'Are you sure this is a good idea?'; },
default: () => { return 'H20'; }
Accepts anything that implements .toString
const person = {
firstName: 'Steve',
lastName: 'Jobs',
toString: function() { return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}` }
const collegue = match(person)({
'Steve Jobs': () => {
return { firstName: 'Jonny', lastName: 'Ive' }
'Fox Malder': () => {
return { firstName: 'Dana', lastName: 'Scully' }
-> Function
Takes any number of args and returns new matcher
-> Any
that takes spec
object to map args
separated by ', '
(coma + space) as
key to corresponding function, so value returned by this function becomes the
return value of matcher
If no key found for given set of args
, matcher
tries to find default key in
the spec
object and call its value.
If no default
key found, undefined
is returned.
License - MIT