Panda Generics
Panda Generics brings generics, also known as multi-methods, to JavaScript. Generics are great for functional programming because they offer multi-argument dispatch. That is, you aren't limited to an implicit first argument as you are with object-oriented methods.
npm i panda-generics
import Generics from "panda-generics"
import {isObject} from "panda-parchment"
equal = Generics.create
name: "equal"
description: "'Deep' equality operator"
default: (a, b) -> a == b # fallback to shallow equality
# when comparing objects, recursively check the values
# corresponding to the union of their properties—
# return false on the first inequality
Generics.define equal, isObject, isObject, (a, b) ->
(a == b) || do ->
keys = new Set (Object.keys a)..., (Object.keys b)...
for key from keys
if ! equal a[key], b[key]
return false
# when comparing arrays, recursively check values
# after making sure they're the same length
# return false on the first inequality
Generics.define equal, isArray, isArray, (ax, bx) ->
(ax == bx) || do ->
return false if ax.length != bx.length
for i in []
if !equal ax[i], bx[i]
return false
equal "this", "this" # => true, shallow equality works here
equal { x: 1, y: 2 }, { x: 1, y: 2 } # => true, deep equality
equal [1..5], [1..5] # true, deep equality
equal { x: 1, y: 2}, [1..5] # false