A plugin that binds events using HammerJS.
This plugin provides an API for binding HammerJS recognizers to the chart element
in a declarative way. The documentation for the Hammer API is available here
npm install picasso-plugin-hammer
Register plugin
import picassoHammer from 'picasso-plugin-hammer';
import picasso from 'picasso.js';
HammerJS has to be loaded to be able to use this plugin so that the Hammer variable is available on the global namespace.
Hammer interaction settings
interactions: [{
type: 'hammer',
key: 'here',
enable: function() {
this.chart ;
return true;
gestures: [{
type: 'Pan',
options: {
enable: function() {
this.chart ;
event: 'thePan',
recognizeWith: 'otherEvent1 otherEvent2',
requireFailure: 'otherEvent',
events: {
thePanstart: function(e) {
thePan: function(e) {
thePanend: function(e) {
Another example
interactions: [{
type: 'hammer',
key: 'akey',
gestures: [{
type: 'Tap',
options: {
event: 'tripleTap',
taps: 3
recognizeWith: 'doubleTap tap',
events: {
tripleTap: function(e) {
console.log('triple tapped');
type: 'Tap',
options: {
event: 'doubleTap',
taps: 2
recognizeWith: 'tap',
requireFailure: 'tripleTap',
events: {
doubleTap: function(e) {
console.log('double tapped');
type: 'Tap',
options: {
taps: 1
requireFailure: 'doubleTap tripleTap',
events: {
tap: function(e) {