PIE Demo
A Custom Element for demonstrating a PIE interaction designed for use with the pie-cloud packaging service.
npm install
Edit src/index.html
with the name and version of the element you want to demo. And also alter the model.
<pie-demo id="demo" editor="true" pie="@pie-element/ebsr@1.2.0"></pie-demo>
const model = {
"id": "0",
"element": "pie-element-ebsr",
"partA": {
"prompt": "What color is the sky?",
"choiceMode": "radio",
"keyMode": "numbers",
"choices": [
"value": "yellow",
"label": "<div>Yellow</div>",
"correct": false
"value": "green",
"label": "<div>Green</div>",
"correct": false
"correct": true,
"value": "blue",
"label": "<div>Blue</div>"
"partialScoring": false,
"partialScoringLabel": "Each correct response that is correctly checked and each incorrect response\n that is correctly unchecked will be worth 1 point.\n The maximum points is the total number of answer choices.",
"shuffle": false,
"showCorrect": false
"partB": {
"prompt": "What color do you get when you mix Red with your answer in Part 1?",
"choiceMode": "radio",
"keyMode": "numbers",
"choices": [
"value": "orange",
"label": "<div>Orange</div>",
"correct": false
"correct": true,
"value": "purple",
"label": "<div>Purple</div>"
"value": "pink",
"label": "<div>Pink</div>"
"value": "green",
"label": "<div>Green</div>"
"partialScoring": false,
"partialScoringLabel": "Each correct response that is correctly checked and each incorrect response\n that is correctly unchecked will be worth 1 point.\n The maximum points is the total number of answer choices.",
"shuffle": false
const configure = {
promptLabel: "Prompt",
addChoiceButtonLabel: "Add a choice",
addChoice: false,
addFeedBack: true,
deleteChoice: true,
showPrompt: true,
answerChoiceCount: 0,
settingsSelectChoiceMode: true,
settingsSelectChoicePrefixes: true,
settingsSelectChoiceModeLabel: "Response Type",
settingsChoicePrefixesLabel: "Choice Labels",
settingsPartialScoring: true,
settingsConfigShuffle: true
const pieDemo = document.getElementById("demo");
pieDemo.model = model;
pieDemo.configure = configure;
pieDemo.modelSchemaJSONURI = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pie-framework/pie-elements/develop/packages/categorize/docs/pie-schema.json';
pieDemo.configureSchemaJSONURI = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pie-framework/pie-elements/develop/packages/categorize/docs/config-schema.json';
Run e2e and unit tests:
npm run test
Local Devt
Launch the local index.html
in hot-module-reload server:
npm run start
When running npm start
the HMR will attampt to re-define the custom element and get an already defined error. Need to refresh the page.
make script loading optional (but still define custome elements from pre-loaded)