
pipe-args adds support for unix piped arguments to your node CLI apps
pipe-args makes your node CLI apps to fully support unix pipelines, completely
out of the box. Require the the pipe-args module and all the piped arguments are
added to the process stdin transparently. It also integrates well with popular
command line interface/parsers like yarg and commander.js.
$ npm install --save pipe-args
#!/usr/bin/env node
const pipe = require('pipe-args').load();
console.log(`The piped arg is ${process.argv[2]}`);
$ echo test | node index.js
$ The piped arg is test
You can define which commands allow the stdin to be copied to process.argv by
passing them in the options
#!/usr/bin/env node
const pipe = require('pipe-args').load(['command']);
console.log(`The piped arg is ${process.argv[2]}`);
$ echo OK | node command index.js
$ The piped arg is OK
$ echo OK | node commandNotPiping index.js
$ The piped arg is null // stdin was not parsed into process.argv
pipe-args plays along with optstrings parsers such as yarg. The following yargs
parser code:
#!/usr/bin/env node
const pipe = require('pipe-args').load();
const yargs = require('yargs')
const cli = yargs.demand(1)
parses linux-style piped arguments as expected:
$ echo piped_arg | yargs-cli.js
$ { _: [ 'piped_arg' ], '$0': 'index.js' }
MIT © Gonçalo Pestana