Spine implementation for pixi v3 and pixi v4.
Spine version
Pixi-spine 1.3.x works ONLY with data exported from Spine 3.5.
Please enable "beta updates" and re-export everything from the spine editor.
According to spine runtime license, you can use runtime only if you have bought the editor, so exporting latest versions of animations shouldn't be a problem for you.
Prebuilt Files
If you are just including the built files, pixi spine adds itself to a pixi namespace:
.add('spineCharacter', 'spine-data-1/HERO.json')
.load(function (loader, resources) {
var animation = new PIXI.spine.Spine(resources.spineCharacter.spineData);
There's "bin/pixi-spine.d.ts" file, you can use it.
How to use spine events
spine-ts way
event: function(entry, event) { console.log('event fired '+event.data+' at track' + entry.trackIndex) },
complete: function(entry) { console.log('track '+trackIndex+' completed '+entry.loopsCount()+' times') },
start: function(entry) { console.log('animation is set at '+entry.trackIndex) },
end: function(entry) { console.log('animation was ended at '+entry.trackIndex) },
dispose: function(entry) { console.log('animation was disposed at '+entry.trackIndex) },
interrupted: function(entry) { console.log('animation was interrupted at '+entry.trackIndex) }
animation.state.addAnimation(0, 'walk', true);
animation.state.tracks[0].listener = {
complete: function(trackEntry, count) { console.log('my track completed '+entry.loopsCount()+' times') }
animation.state.onEvent = function(trackIndex, event) { console.log('event fired '+event.data) }
animation.state.onComplete = function(trackIndex, loopCount) { console.log('track '+trackIndex+' completed '+count+' times') }
animation.state.onStart =function(trackIndex) { console.log('animation is set at '+trackIndex) }
animation.state.onEnd = function(trackIndex) { console.log('animation was ended at '+trackIndex) }
animation.state.addAnimation(0, 'walk', true);
animation.state.tracks[0].onEnd = function(trackIndex, count) { console.log('my track ended :)') }
How to choose resolution
Use with pixi-compressed-textures.js
var options = { metadata: { spineMetadata: { choice: ["@.5x.atlas", "@2x.atlas"] } } };
.add('spineCharacter', 'spine-data-1/HERO.json', options);
.load(function (loader, resources) {
var animation = new PIXI.spine.Spine(resources.spineCharacter.spineData);
How to use pre-loaded json and atlas files
var rawSkeletonData = JSON.parse("$jsondata");
var rawAtlasData = "$atlasdata";
var spineAtlas = new PIXI.spine.core.TextureAtlas(rawAtlasData, function(line, callback) {
var spineAtlasLoader = new PIXI.spine.core.AtlasAttachmentLoader(spineAtlas)
var spineJsonParser = new PIXI.spine.core.SkeletonJson(spineAtlasLoader);
var spineData = spineJsonParser.readSkeletonData(rawSkeletonData);
var spine = new PIXI.spine(spineData);
How to use pixi spritesheet with it
See examples/.
How to change atlas file extension (I hate IIS webserver)
var spineLoaderOptions = { metadata: { spineAtlasSuffix: '.txt' } };
.add('pixie', '_assets/spine/Pixie.json', spineLoaderOptions)
How to run animation
var spineBoy = new PIXI.spine.Spine(spineBoyData);
if (spineBoy.state.hasAnimation('run')) {
spineBoy.state.setAnimation(0, 'run', true);
spineBoy.state.timeScale = 0.1;
Changing Skins
Once skins are defined in Spine, it's possible to change them in runtime. According to the Spine libraries:
If skin is already set, new skin can change only slots attached in old skin.
So if a skin has been set and another skin is to be set, it may result in the newer skin not showing. To workaround this issue, set the skin to null and then set the skin like so:
var spineCharacter = new PIXI.spine.Spine(resources.boy.spineData);
var skeleton = spineCharacter.skeleton;
function setSkinByName(skinName) {
If the skin is changed whilst the spineCharacter is animating, there may be a problem with the draw order of some assets. This will resolve when the animation finishes it's loop or the animation is restarted.
Changing the texture the direct way (hacks)
var spine = new PIXI.spine.Spine(loader.resources['spineBoy'].data);
var myTexture = loader.resources['newRegionTexture'].texture;
spine.hackTextureBySlotName('head', myTexture);
spine.hackTextureBySlotName('arm', myTexture, { width: 100, height : 100 });
spine.hackTextureBySlotIndex(7, myTexture, texture.orig || texture.frame);
How to use compressed textures
PIXI.loader.before(PIXI.compressedTextures.extensionChooser(["@2x.atlas", ".dds"]));
var options = { metadata: { spineMetadata: { choice: ["@.5x.atlas", "@2x.atlas"] }, imageMetadata: { choice: [".dds", ".pvr"] } } };
.add('spineCharacter', 'spine-data-1/HERO.json', options);
.load(function (loader, resources) {
var animation = new PIXI.spine.Spine(resources.spineCharacter.spineData);
You will need to have node or typescript setup on your machine.
Then you can install dependencies and build:
npm i && npm run build
Or you can just use typescript compiler
That will output the built distributables to ./bin