Email parser for browser environments.
PostalMime can be run in the main web thread or from Web Workers. Expects emails as ArrayBufer values.
Source code is available from Github.
Free, AGPL-licensed version
First install the module from npm:
$ npm install postal-mime
next import the PostalMime class into your script:
const { PostalMime } = require('postal-mime');
or when using as a global
<script src="/path/to/postal-mime.js"></script>
const PostalMime = postalMime.default;
MIT version
MIT-licensed version is available for Postal Systems subscribers.
First install the module from Postal Systems private registry:
$ npm install @postalsys/postal-mime
next import the postal-mime class into your script:
const { PostalMime } = require('@postalsys/postal-mime');
If you have already built your application using the free version of postal-mime and do not want to modify require statements in your code, you can install the MIT-licensed version as an alias for "postal-mime".
$ npm install postal-mime@npm:@postalsys/postal-mime
This way you can keep using the old module name
const { PostalMime } = require('postal-mime');
All postal-mime methods use Promises, so you need to wait using await
or wait for the then()
method to fire until you get the response.
const { PostalMime } = require('postal-mime');
const parser = new PostalMime();
const email = await parser.parse(emailAsAnArrayBuffer);
© 2020 Andris Reinman
Licensed under GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 or later.
MIT-licensed version of postal-mime is available for Postal Systems subscribers.