A Prettier plugin that sequentially merges the formatting results of other Prettier plugins.

Why prettier-plugin-merge?
Prettier has its limitations. If two or more plugins are configured to format a particular language, Prettier will only use the last of those plugins.
So, for example, if you configure it like this for JavaScript formatting, only prettier-plugin-classnames
will be used.
"plugins": [
"prettier-plugin-classnames" // Prettier only uses this
However, you can overcome this limitation by adding prettier-plugin-merge
as the last plugin.
"plugins": [
- "prettier-plugin-classnames"
+ "prettier-plugin-classnames",
+ "prettier-plugin-merge"
As mentioned above, Prettier uses the last of the plugins that can format a particular language (in this case JavaScript), so prettier-plugin-merge
is used in the changed configuration.
"plugins": [
"prettier-plugin-merge" // Prettier only uses this
uses plugins written before this one in order, merging as much as possible the differences in formatting results depending on the presence of the plugin.
So you can combine as many plugins as you want.
For Prettier v2:
npm install -D prettier@^2 prettier-plugin-merge
For Prettier v3:
npm install -D prettier prettier-plugin-merge
Note: This plugin MUST come last. Other plugins usually have no order constraints. However, if there are multiple plugins formatting the same area, the output may vary depending on the order of those plugins.
JSON example:
"plugins": [
JS example (CommonJS module):
module.exports = {
plugins: [
braceStyle: 'stroustrup',
JS example (ES module):
export default {
plugins: [
importOrder: ['<THIRD_PARTY_MODULES>', '^@[^/]+/(.*)$', '^@/(.*)$', '^[./]'],
importOrderSeparation: true,
Version correlation with sibling plugins
Starting with 0.6.0
, when there is a minor release on one side, I plan to reflect that change on the other side as well if possible.

Compatibility with other Prettier plugins
All other plugins used with this plugin must be compatible with your version of Prettier.
For example, suppose you have three plugins:
: Only compatible with Prettier v2prettier-plugin-B
: Only compatible with Prettier v3prettier-plugin-X
: Compatible with both versions
Prettier v2 users can only configure prettier-plugin-A
and prettier-plugin-X
, and Prettier v3 users can only configure prettier-plugin-B
and prettier-plugin-X