18.0.0-rc.2 (2024-10-29)
Full Changelog
Implemented New Features and Enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- MultiSelect v18: Wrong placeholder color - missing p-placeholder class #16479
- Improve CascadeSelect's functionality #16884
- PanelMenu | Hover is not working on child items. #16882
- Focus state visuals does not apply to invalid form components #16855
- Select (v18): overlap between outline and border with invalid state #16577
- Tree | Tree component throws an error when pressing the Enter key: 'Cannot set properties of undefined.' #16879
- Tree: Arrow Up not working #16874
- ERROR TypeError: this.document.head.prepend is not a function in 18.0.0-rc.1 #16875
- DatePicker: Calling focus on non existent selector breaks overlay #16872
- DatePicker: Icons are wrong in RTL mode #16873
- Fileupload | add chooseButtonProps & uploadButtonProps & cancelButtonProps #16869
- v18 - CSS Layers for example with Tailwind CSS fail when appending styles to header and SSR enabled #16595
- Splitter: Totally broken in v18 #16770
- Component: AutoComplete virtualScroll broken (v18.0.0-rc.1) #16822
- Filter button triggers sort #16817
- Accordion - Ripple | unexpected behavior #16804
- Component: FloatLabel, IftaLabel #16601
- Component: FloatLabel and IftaLabel (v18) documentation lacks "Features" tab #16797
- TreeTable (18.0.0-beta.3) - Disclosure triangles are missing #16712
- DatePicker: "Cannot read properties of null" error when clicking on next/previous month button (18.0.0-beta.3) #16590
- CascadeSelect | Set the default value of autoOptionFocus to false #16850
- MultiSelect | Set the default value of autoOptionFocus to false #16847
- Select | Set the default value of autoOptionFocus to false #16845
- p-picklist Filter stop working in v18 beta-3 #16622
- Password: ExpressionChangedAfterItHasBeenCheckedError on ToggleMask #16719
- Panel Menu - wrong class when using routerLink #16683
- Select v18: Checkmark not working #16419
- Menu component templates not rendered v18.0.0-beta.4 #16765
- p-buttonGroup throws console errors when styleClass is applied #16559
- Data filter and sorting issue on v18 table #16360
- DatePicker Component - Error on Month Switch: "Cannot read properties of null (reading 'focus')" #16720
- Component: ConfirmDialog doesn't render buttons (v18.0.0-rc.1) #16780
- Docs: Setting defined custom preset #16647
- Input group with filled input visuals broken in Material Theme #16810
- Better compatability with CSS libraries like Tailwind, Bootstrap #16809
- Docs: "Icon Only" code example #16645
- Component: Textarea, style is not being applied. #16678
- Missleading typo leads to no theme in documentary #16763
- Tab: disabled input is not disabling tab #16768
- Docs: Theming is outdated (PrimeNg 18.0.0-rc.1) #16759
- Typo code example in /showcase/doc/theming/themedoc.ts #16695
- fix(docs): typo in theming#component #16643