As of prisma@2.19.0
, prisma introspect
will name its model 1:1 with your database's conventions. That's great, but if your db is purely snake_case
, or worse if your tables lack any common convention, it can make the autogenerated client code less pleasant to consume. prisma-case-format
will format your table and field names for every model as to enforce a more conventional experience.
❯ prisma-case-format --help
Usage: prisma-case-format [options]
Give your schema.prisma sane naming conventions
--file <file> schema.prisma file location (default: "schema.prisma")
--table-case <tableCase> case convention for table names. allowable values: "pascal", "camel", "snake" (default: "pascal")
--field-case <fieldCase> case convention for field names. allowable values: "pascal", "camel", "snake" (default: "camel")
-D, --dry-run print changes to console, rather than back to file (default: false)
-h, --help display help for command
// schema.prisma before
model house_rating {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
house_id String
house house @relation(fields: [house_id], references: [id])
model house {
id String @id @default(uuid())
house_ratings house_rating[]
❯ prisma-case-format
✨ Done.
// schema.prisma after
model HouseRatings {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
houseId String
house House @relation(fields: [houseId], references: [id])
model House {
id String @id @default(uuid())
houseRatings HouseRating[]
This project is not affiliated with the official Prisma team.