What is prosemirror-dropcursor?
The prosemirror-dropcursor package is a plugin for ProseMirror, a toolkit for building rich-text editors. This plugin adds a drop cursor to the editor, which is a visual indicator that shows where content will be inserted when it is dragged and dropped.
What are prosemirror-dropcursor's main functionalities?
Adding a Drop Cursor
This code sample demonstrates how to add a drop cursor to a ProseMirror editor. The DropCursor plugin is instantiated and added to the editor's state plugins. When content is dragged and dropped into the editor, the drop cursor will indicate the insertion point.
const { DropCursor } = require('prosemirror-dropcursor');
const { EditorState } = require('prosemirror-state');
const { EditorView } = require('prosemirror-view');
const { schema } = require('prosemirror-schema-basic');
const { DOMParser } = require('prosemirror-model');
const dropCursor = new DropCursor();
const state = EditorState.create({
doc: DOMParser.fromSchema(schema).parse(document.querySelector('#content')),
plugins: [dropCursor]
const view = new EditorView(document.querySelector('#editor'), {
Other packages similar to prosemirror-dropcursor
The prosemirror-gapcursor package provides a similar visual indicator for gaps between blocks in a ProseMirror editor. Unlike prosemirror-dropcursor, which shows where content will be inserted during a drag-and-drop operation, prosemirror-gapcursor shows a cursor in places where the regular text cursor cannot go, such as between two block elements.
The prosemirror-menu package offers a set of UI components for building menus in a ProseMirror editor. While it does not provide a drop cursor, it enhances the editor's functionality by adding menu items for various editing actions. This package complements prosemirror-dropcursor by providing additional user interface elements.
This is a non-core example module for ProseMirror.
ProseMirror is a well-behaved rich semantic content editor based on
contentEditable, with support for collaborative editing and custom
document schemas.
This module implements a plugin that shows a drop cursor for
The project page has more information, a
number of examples and the
This code is released under an
MIT license.
There's a forum for general
discussion and support requests, and the
Github bug tracker
is the place to report issues.
We aim to be an inclusive, welcoming community. To make that explicit,
we have a code of
conduct that applies
to communication around the project.
(options: ?Object) → Plugin
Create a plugin that, when added to a ProseMirror instance, causes a
decoration to show up at the drop position when something is dragged
over the editor.
: ?Object
: ?string (default: black)
: ?number (default: 1)
: ?string
Adds a class to the cursor.
Layout overrides such as width
are not recommended
1.2.0 (2019-10-08)
New features
now takes a new option, class
, to set the CSS class name of the cursor element. Add class option to in-code docs