Puppeteer screenshot CLI
Simple wrapper around Puppeteer to take screenshot from command line.
npm i [-g] puppeteer-screenshot-cli
puppeteer-screenshot --url 'http://perdu.com' --selector 'h1' --output ./perdu.jpg
puppeteer-screenshot -u 'http://perdu.com' -s 'body' -o - > /tmp/perdu.jpg
puppeteer-screenshot 'http://perdu.com' > perdu.jpg
Headless screenshot with Puppeteer
-u, --url string URL to navigate page to. The url should include scheme, e.g. https://.
-o, --output string The file path to save the image to. If path is a relative path, then it is
resolved relative to current working directory. If no path is provided, the
image won't be saved to the disk.
-s, --selector string A CSS selector of an element to wait for.
Default: body
-t, --type string Specify screenshot type, can be either jpeg or png.
Default: png
-q, --quality number The quality of the image, between 0-100. Not applicable to png images.
-w, --width number Viewport width in pixels
Default: 800
-h, --height number Viewport height in pixels
Default: 600
-f, --fullPage When true, takes a screenshot of the full scrollable page.
Defaults: false.
--headless Whether to run browser in headless mode.
Default: true
-?, --help This help
See also