Q-Learning in node.js

DISCLAIMER: This library is still a WORK IN PROGRESS and is currently INCOMPLETE use at your own risk
Interested in doing reinforcement learning in node.js? Me too.
This is an experimental library to provide an interface for working with Q-Learning inside your node
import QL from 'qlearning'
const initialState = {x: 0, y: 0}
const learningRate = 0.35
const actions = ['forward', 'backwards', 'left', 'right']
const agent = new QL('name', actions, learningRate)
agent.setCost((state, action) => {})
agent.setReward((state) => {})
agent.setStateGenerator((state, action) => {})
This is essentially a rewrite of the open-source library q-exp by starcolon but to be more comprehensible (imo)