
Quality Payment Program Measures Data Repository
This repository hosts measures data for QPP and supports functionality to import
measures data as an NPM module. All 2018 quality, PI (Promoting Interoperability,
formerly ACI), and IA measures were added as of
release 1.1.3. QCDR measures will be added later in 2018.
This is the v2 source of truth for QPP measures data. The previous measures data API is no longer available (qpp.cms.gov/api). The transition to using qpp-measures-data as a
source of truth for CMS is ongoing and this data may be subject to
modifications. Stability in the API contract for
qpp-measures-data is prioritized but not guaranteed.
How to Use qpp-measures-data
Measures and benchmark data can be accessed by installing the qpp-measures-data
NPM repository.
The measures data JSON schema is described in measures/$YEAR/measures-schema.yaml
; $YEAR refers to the performance year. The
measures data here combines existing data from the QPP API, with supplementary data
found in util
. To access measures data without installing the NPM repository,
run git clone git@github.com:CMSgov/qpp-measures-data.git
and navigate to
The benchmarks data JSON schema is described in benchmarks/benchmarks-schema.yaml
To access the benchmarks data without installing the NPM repository,
run git clone git@github.com:CMSgov/qpp-measures-data.git
navigate to benchmarks/
. Benchmarks data is organized by performance year.
For example, benchmarks/2017.json
contains the benchmarks for performance year 2017
(benchmark year 2015).
Importing the qpp-measures-data module
Functions take a string version argument and return the appropriate YAML schema or JSON data.
The module can be used with the following pattern:
const qppMeasuresData = require('qpp-measures-data');
const measuresData = qppMeasuresData.getMeasuresData($YEAR);
const measuresSchema = qppMeasuresData.getMeasuresSchema($YEAR);
const benchmarksData = qppMeasuresData.getBenchmarksData();
const benchmarkData$YEAR = benchmarksData[$YEAR];
const benchmarksSchema = qppMeasuresData.getBenchmarksSchema();
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